Pianist Chick Corea, bassist Stanley Clarke and drummer Lenny White have teamed up once again to revisit their common roots in the seminal fusion band Return to Forever. On June 7, 2011, Concord Jazz released Forever, a two-CD set of 18 tunes that include updated RTF classics as well as jazz trio standards. In support of the release, a tour is planned for next summer.
This disc will benefit from a strong curiosity factor, for the Goldberg who composed the music here is indeed the one for whom J.S. Bach is said to have composed his monumental Goldberg Variations for harpsichord, BWV 988. The story goes that the Russian ambassador to the Dresden court, one Count von Keyserlingk, had insomnia and wanted a long, gentle work that could be played by his house keyboardist, the then teenaged Goldberg, in the next room.
Quelle utilité ont les dessous féminins qui s'étalent aujourd'hui tant sur les affiches que dans les magazines, enveloppant des corps de femmes parfaites? Pour beaucoup de femmes, les dessous sont achetés pour faire plaisir à l'autre, « l'homme ». Et pourtant, depuis la haute Antiquité, les femmes apparaissent toujours vêtues, cachant ces dessous qui dissimulent leur intimité. La lingerie féminine est-elle l'expression d'une nouvelle liberté, ou bien suit-elle seulement la transformation de nos mœurs s'adaptant à chaque époque à un modernisme renouvelé?