Solar And Stellar Physics Proceedings of The 5th European Solar Meeting Held in Titisee Schwarzwald, Germany, April 27 30, 1987

Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology: Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Cosmology Meeting, held in the National Observa

Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology: Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Cosmology Meeting, held in the National Observatory of Athens , Penteli, 19–20 April 2001 By Spiros Cotsakis (auth.), Manolis Plionis, Spiros Cotsakis (eds.)
2002 | 378 Pages | ISBN: 9401039313 | PDF | 25 MB
Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics: Proceedings of the ESO/CERN/ESA Symposium Held in Garching, Germany, 4-7 March 20

Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics: Proceedings of the ESO/CERN/ESA Symposium Held in Garching, Germany, 4-7 March 2002 By S. Masi, P. A. R. Ade, P. de Bernardis (auth.), Peter A. Shaver, Luigi DiLella, Alvaro Giménez (eds.)
2003 | 506 Pages | ISBN: 3540401792 | PDF | 5 MB
Statistical Theory and Computational Aspects of Smoothing: Proceedings of the COMPSTAT ’94 Satellite Meeting held in Semmering,

Statistical Theory and Computational Aspects of Smoothing: Proceedings of the COMPSTAT ’94 Satellite Meeting held in Semmering, Austria, 27–28 August 1994 By J. S. Marron (auth.), Professor Dr. Wolfgang Härdle, Professor Dr. Dr. Michael G. Schimek (eds.)
1996 | 265 Pages | ISBN: 3790809306 | PDF | 6 MB
Strongly Correlated Magnetic and Superconducting Systems: Proceedings of the El Escorial Summer School Held in Madrid, Spain, 1

Strongly Correlated Magnetic and Superconducting Systems: Proceedings of the El Escorial Summer School Held in Madrid, Spain, 15–19 July 1996 By E. Ercolessi, G. Morandi, P. Pieri (auth.), Germán Sierra, Miguel A. Martín-Delgado (eds.)
1997 | 331 Pages | ISBN: 3540624767 | DJVU | 3 MB
Multigrid Methods VI: Proceedings of the Sixth European Multigrid Conference Held in Gent, Belgium, September 27–30, 1999

Multigrid Methods VI: Proceedings of the Sixth European Multigrid Conference Held in Gent, Belgium, September 27–30, 1999 By Gilles Carré, Gilles Carte, Hervé Guillard, Stéphane Lanteri (auth.), Erik Dick, Kris Riemslagh, Jan Vierendeels (eds.)
2000 | 292 Pages | ISBN: 3540671579 | PDF | 16 MB
Multigrid Methods V: Proceedings of the Fifth European Multigrid Conference held in Stuttgart, Germany, October 1–4, 1996

Multigrid Methods V: Proceedings of the Fifth European Multigrid Conference held in Stuttgart, Germany, October 1–4, 1996 By Randolph E. Bank, Sabine Gutsch (auth.), Wolfgang Hackbusch, Gabriel Wittum (eds.)
1998 | 334 Pages | ISBN: 354063133X | PDF | 33 MB
Advanced Radiation Sources and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Nor-Hamberd, Ye

Helmut Wiedemann, "Advanced Radiation Sources and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Nor-Hamberd, Ye"
English | ISBN: 1402034482 | 2006 | 438 pages | PDF | 30 MB
Advances in Turbulence VI: Proceedings of the Sixth European Turbulence Conference, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, 2–5 July 199

Advances in Turbulence VI: Proceedings of the Sixth European Turbulence Conference, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, 2–5 July 1996 By G. Bärwolff, H. Wengle, H. Jeggle (auth.), S. Gavrilakis, L. Machiels, P. A. Monkewitz (eds.)
1996 | 634 Pages | ISBN: 9401066183 | PDF | 26 MB
Provable Security: 5th International Conference, ProvSec 2011, Xi’an, China, October 16-18, 2011. Proceedings

Provable Security: 5th International Conference, ProvSec 2011, Xi’an, China, October 16-18, 2011. Proceedings By Jens Groth (auth.), Xavier Boyen, Xiaofeng Chen (eds.)
2011 | 399 Pages | ISBN: 3642243150 | PDF | 5 MB
NASSAU 2006: Proceedings of the 4th Nassau Mössbauer Symposium, held in Garden City, NY, USA, 13 - 14 January 2006

E.E. Alp, "NASSAU 2006: Proceedings of the 4th Nassau Mössbauer Symposium, held in Garden City, NY, USA, 13 - 14 January 2006"
English | ISBN: 3540711244 | 2007 | 175 pages | PDF | 11 MB