The Petards have tried the impossible. In the early years of rock music, they met as a completely isolated German band from the provinces to achieve their national breakthrough on their own - the dream of international fame in the back of their minds. In their seven-year career, the Petards have made thousands of appearances, five long-playing records, a dozen singles and a lot of experience that groups in this country have been struggling with to this day. They were among the pioneers of German rock music who faced the thankless task of bringing new music to the rural areas of the Republic, where beat or rock music had previously only been accessible via radio. Although bands like the Petards met a starved and enthusiastic audience there, they were usually denied the boring recognition for their fundamental musical fieldwork.
The figure of George Frideric Handel cast a long shadow over musical London in the first half of the eighteenth century, condemning many of his contemporaries – fine composers themselves – to long years of obscurity. This recording throws light into forgotten corners and discovers some glittering gems, some of them demanding dazzling vocal fireworks from their performers. Several of these composers set scenes from Classical mythology or Old Testament narratives – but they also explore the underside of the Baroque psyche in one of David’s darkest psalms and in a representation of Arcadian madness.
Anna rejoint l'expédition scientifique Ocean Arctic Protect en Nouvelle-Sibérie, une région sous hégémonie russe où la fonte des glaces libère des menaces issues du passé de l'humanité. Pris dans une tempête glaciaire, le bateau s'échoue sur une île peuplée d'ours et de loups. Quand les hommes de l'équipage, happés par la folie, deviennent violents, Anna entame un journal de bord. …
La saga complète de l'auteur Franck Thilliez autour des personnages Franck Sharko et Lucie Hennebelle…
Of all Berlioz’s Shakespeare-inspired works, Roméo et Juliette is unquestionably his masterpiece. It is also cast in an innovative new form, a kind of ‘super-symphony’ that incorporates elements of symphony, opera and oratorio. Berlioz composed no singing roles for the central characters, but allowed others to comment or narrate, giving latitude to incarnate the lovers in a musical language of extraordinary delicacy and passion. The vivid Ball Scene and Romeo at the Capulet tomb are intensely dramatic but the heart of the work is the Love Scene, a long symphonic poem which Richard Wagner called ‘the melody of the 19th century’.
Présentation des grandes théories de la communication qui souligne l'apport spécifique de la sociologie. …
Brigitte Bardot fut l'un des plus célèbres sex-symbols mais a aussi révolutionné les moeurs en libérant l'image féminine et en défendant la cause animale. Ce livre retrace la fabrication d'une légende et brosse le portrait d'une femme qui se débat avec une gloire très lourde à porter. …
Cette enquête historique et économique montre que les systèmes inégalitaires, depuis les sociétés trifonctionnelles jusqu'aux sociétés hypercapitalistes, sont des constructions sociales qui dépendent du régime légal, fiscal, éducatif et politique. Ces choix renvoient aux représentations que chaque société se fait de la justice sociale et de l’économie juste. Plus d'égalité est une perspective. …
Un thriller politique avec de l’action …