Here for the first time are the integral Sylvie Vartan RCA albums, from between 1962 and 1986, in Deluxe Vinyl Replica. You could find 41 CD with 716 tracks (including 171 Bonus Tracks & 32 unreleased tracks). Deluxe Vinyl Replicas by Culture Factory constitute high quality reissued compact-discs which reproduce all the components of the original LPs and are their exact replicas in compact-disc size (5.3 x 5.3 inches), with authentic single or gatefold cardboard jackets and paper sleeves. In addition to the above, each compact-disc Deluxe Vinyl Replica includes a black finish CD complete with the original label to give it the look and feel of the original record album.
This album is the soundtrack from the TV show produced by Maritie & Gilbert CARPENTIER and aired March 29th 1975. It includes duets with Fernand SARDOU, and Jean-Jacques DEBOUT. It also includes the track "Toi et moi" which is a duet performed with Johnny HALLYDAY. The track "Tout au fond des tiroirs" also features on the album.
Il est impossible d aborder les années 60 sans penser à SYLVIE VARTAN, une des trois principales stars féminines de la chanson des années « yéyé ». Ce premier coffret contient ses 5 premiers 30cm en Paper Sleeve - CD Vinyl Replica Deluxe (dont l'album américain), totalement conformes aux 30cm vinyles originaux, avec 57 titres bonus, la totalité du répertoire présenté ici représentant l'intégralité des titres studio parus entre 1961 et 1965, dont des raretés. 119 titres remastérisés en haute définition dans une merveilleuse présentation et avec un son exceptionnel.
With her high-quality trio with Drew Gress and Kenny Wollesen, Sylvie Courvoisier presents her eleventh album on Intakt Records: Intakt CD 300. In both her playing and her composition she shows neoclassical influences mixed with European improvised music and the experimental nonconformismof the New York downtown scene.