Retrouvez chez vous le programme complet de relaxation proposé dans de grands instituts de thalassothérapie. 7 séances pour lâcher prise avec le vacarme des émotions, pensées négatives et retrouver un bien-être profond du corps et de l’esprit ! …
Sylvie Vartan is an iconic, award-winning Bulgarian-French pop singer and actress whose signature singles "La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser," "Si Je Chante," "Zoom Zoom Zoom," and "Irresistiblement" are classics of 20th century European pop. She established herself as a yé-yé idol and transformed herself into a superstar show-woman during the '70s covering British and American rock hits in French; she developed into a fine interpreter of works by songwriters from Alain Goraguer and Jacques Brel to Serge Gainsbourg, Pierre Barouh, Charles Aznavour, and her late ex-husband Johnny Hallyday.
Sylvie Vartan is an iconic, award-winning Bulgarian-French singer and actress whose signature singles "La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser," "Si Je Chante," "Zoom Zoom Zoom," and "Irresistiblement" are considered not only classics of French pop, but also European classics. She established her stardom as a yé-yé idol who transformed herself into a superstar show-woman during the '70s. She is considered a French national treasure known simply as "Sylvie" and renowned for her elaborately staged concerts, sequined costumes, adventurous choreography, and no-nonsense professionalism.
Quand Walpole invente le mot «sérendipité» en 1754, il évoque la faculté de découvrir, «par hasard et sagacité», ce que l'on ne cherchait pas. Aujourd'hui, le terme connaît une vogue croissante au sens de «découverte par hasard». Mais si cette focalisation permet d'affirmer la dimension imprévisible et non programmable de la recherche, l'occultation de la sagacité empêche de saisir ce que «sérendipité» désigne véritablement, et qui est au coeur de toute découverte. …