Chiplandschaften (2005). More than two and a half years of work have been invested into this debut and a great deal of this time, producer Harald Karla has put into the breathtaking production technique of his music: all tracks are based on 8-bit sounds only which the computer fetishist has exclusively created with an Commodore Amiga 1200. Step by step, the Amiga sounds then have been recorded manually with an Yamaha A5000 sampler and in another step have been further worked on. In this very rangy kind of work process, Jonson has produced all thirteen tracks plus two bonus tracks of his debut. Not surprisingly, the album shows an incredibly unique sound. On "Chiplandschaften", quiet, harmonic tracks are being mixed with subtle grooving beats ("Autumnbits"), weightless worlds of sound ("Tiefszene", "R.E.S.A.M.P.L.E.", "Prozessordenken") invite you to float thoughtlessly…
CD compilation series spanning 1955 to 1974, with one 10-track album for each year. Each track made the Top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100.
'Ballroom Dance Collection' series dedicated to providing comprehensive collections of topics for ballroom dancing or competition of different common styles.
Performed to dance by internationally famous bands as Klaus Hallen, Giants of Latin, Hugo Strasser, Max Greger or Ambros Seelos among others.