Danish rock group founded in 1967 by Anders Koppel and Thomas Koppel with Annisette Hansen, Jens Rugsted, Flemming Ostermann, Alex Riel and Ilse Maria Koppel as a backing-project for a TV-show. Their debut as an established rock-group was in May 1968 on Plænen in Tivoli, Copenhagen. The Savage Rose became rapidly popular in Denmark, but also to some extent abroad. Their lyrics were inspired by Bob Dylan, and the music was a mixture of classical music and US westcoast psychedelic rock, characterized by vocalist Annisette. In fall 1971 The Savage Rose became reduced to a trio on account of musical disagreements – The Koppel Brothers and Annisette wanted to change the musical style towards soul and gospel. The Savage Rose reorganized as a group in 1973, and recorded Wild Child, - but split up in January 1975.
Danish rock group founded in 1967 by Anders Koppel and Thomas Koppel with Annisette Hansen, Jens Rugsted, Flemming Ostermann, Alex Riel and Ilse Maria Koppel as a backing-project for a TV-show. Their debut as an established rock-group was in May 1968 on Plænen in Tivoli, Copenhagen. The Savage Rose became rapidly popular in Denmark, but also to some extent abroad. Their lyrics were inspired by Bob Dylan, and the music was a mixture of classical music and US westcoast psychedelic rock, characterized by vocalist Annisette. In fall 1971 The Savage Rose became reduced to a trio on account of musical disagreements – The Koppel Brothers and Annisette wanted to change the musical style towards soul and gospel. The Savage Rose reorganized as a group in 1973, and recorded Wild Child, - but split up in January 1975.
The two String Quintets are considered to be among Brahms' greatest chamber works. The first was a favorite of the composer, and he wrote to his publisher that, 'you'll never receive anything more beautiful from me.' The second was written when Brahms had all but retired. When he delivered the work to the publisher he wrote, 'with this note you can take leave of my music, because it is high time to stop.' The Nash Ensemble, having recently celebrated their 40th anniversary, are having something of a golden period. Their previous Onyx discs of Turnage and Mendelssohn received rave reviews.