L'auteur, psychologue clinicien, décrypte les techniques employées par les manipulateurs pour mieux s'en prémunir ou s'en libérer. …
In this edition Deutsche Grammophon brings together for the first time all the performances by pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli that have appeared on the "Yellow Label" as well as the legendary early recordings of Beethoven and Scarlatti made for DECCA. Excellent documentation includes numerous rare photographs and a new appreciation of the enigmatic pianist by DG producer, conductor and longtime Michelangeli collaborator Cord Garben.
In this edition Deutsche Grammophon brings together for the first time all the performances by pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli that have appeared on the "Yellow Label" as well as the legendary early recordings of Beethoven and Scarlatti made for DECCA. Excellent documentation includes numerous rare photographs and a new appreciation of the enigmatic pianist by DG producer, conductor and longtime Michelangeli collaborator Cord Garben.
These recordings were unearthed from the BBC archives. All the restoration work has been done from the original analog tapes. The works presented here are from a historic session in the London studios on June 30, 1959.
These recordings were unearthed from the BBC archives. All the restoration work has been done from the original analog tapes. The works presented here are from a historic session in the London studios on June 30, 1959.
Im Nachgang des 100. Geburtstags von Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli veröffentlicht Deutsche Grammophon einen Meilenstein seines Katalogs: die Aufnahmen der Debussy-Zyklen Images, Préludes und Children’s Corner wurden bereits von Zeitgenossen als überragend empfunden und haben auch heute nichts von ihrer Faszination eingebüßt. Michelangelis Debussy sei “die stärkste, farbigste, musikalisch und poetisch beste Debussy-Interpretation, die ein Pianist hervorgebracht hat” (Gramophone).
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (1920-1995) mastered the art of being elusive. During his long career the legendary Italian pianist’s forays into the recording studio were few and far between. The concerts and broadcast performances he didn’t cancel, though, sometimes found their way onto pirated discs. This allowed pianophiles to gain a fuller dimension of their puzzling, ultra-perfectionist hero.