The Chronicles of Father Robin is a Norwegian progressive rock band consisting of members from the bands Wobbler, Tusmørke, Jordsjø, and The Samuel Jackson Five. The music is inspired by the 70's Prog scene and was conceived over a period of 30 years. In 1995, in a Norwegian high school, they worked on the whole concept of the Father Robin trilogy. After some line-up changes and the addition of musicians, the band started to rearrange some old songs and work on new material which resulted in 18 songs of Symphonic Prog released as a boxset first and separately in September 2023.
With Book 3, The Chronicles of Father Robin reach the final chapter of “The Songs & Tales of Airoea”…
Hail To The Heroes, the band's third album overall, sees the band taking huge leaps forward from their previous album, Rock The Highway (2020). The album grabs you from the opening notes of "Primeval Desire" and never lets go, just like their musical heroes' classic albums have always done…
This debut album from Seattle's Storm Chronicles is surprisingly rich and mature for an opening statement. At first listen, you'd assume David Burr (keyboards/guitars/drums/bass/vocals/samples) and Jody Dietz (vocals) have been playing together forever. And you'd be almost right. Although the two only have been performing together since 2011, the music on Looking Backward has been in development nearly two decades (which partly explains the title). The result is a satisfying blend of symphonic progressive rock, ambient atmospherics and melodic pop…
The Chronicles of Father Robin is a Norwegian prog-rock supergroup, with members hailing from Norway’s symphonic prog kings Wobbler, the ever non-definable Tusmørke, seasoned post-rockers The Samuel Jackson Five and the elusive prog gem that is Jordsjø. “The Songs & Tales of Airoea”, 30 years in the making, is a cohesive triple concept album with 18 songs set in an alternate archaic world for over a period of three decades. The first album, “Book I”, will be released on September 15th, with the single Eleision Fields preceding it.