Valhalla Dsp Valhalla Vintageverb 4 0 0 7 Macos

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Room 1.6.5 MacOS  Software

Posted by envasel at Jan. 7, 2022
Valhalla DSP Valhalla Room 1.6.5 MacOS

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Room 1.6.5 MacOS | 8 MB

ValhallaRoom is a versatile, true stereo algorithmic reverb

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Shimmer v1.2.5 macOS  Software

Posted by Magictor at Jan. 8, 2022
Valhalla DSP Valhalla Shimmer v1.2.5 macOS

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Shimmer v1.2.5 macOS | 15.5 Mb

ValhallaShimmer is an algorithmic reverb designed for BIG sounds, from concert halls to the Taj Mahal to the Halls of Valhalla. All of the sliders have been designed to be tweaked in real time and have a smoothed response to avoid clicks when changing settings or automating the controls. At the same time, the algorithm has been highly optimized, so you get a huge reverb sound without straining your CPU.

Valhalla DSP Valhalla UberMod v1.2.5 macOS  Software

Posted by Magictor at Jan. 8, 2022
Valhalla DSP Valhalla UberMod v1.2.5 macOS

Valhalla DSP Valhalla UberMod v1.2.5 macOS | 18 Mb

ValhallaÜberMod is a unique mutltap delay and modulation plugin.

Valhalla DSP Valhalla UberMod v1.2.8 macOS  Software

Posted by melt_ at Jan. 10, 2024
Valhalla DSP Valhalla UberMod v1.2.8 macOS

Valhalla DSP Valhalla UberMod v1.2.8 macOS | 3 Mb

Stupendous and unheard-of splendors await me below, and I shall seek them soon. ValhallaÜberMod is a unique mutltap delay and modulation plugin.

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Plate v1.6.8 macOS  Software

Posted by melt_ at Jan. 10, 2024
Valhalla DSP Valhalla Plate v1.6.8 macOS

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Plate v1.6.8 macOS | 3.1 Mb

You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome. ValhallaPlate is our algorithmic take on the classic plate reverberation sound. Twelve original algorithms emulate the sound and behavior of real world steel plate reverbs, and take the sound into dimensions that physical plates can’t touch.

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Delay v2.5.1 macOS  Software

Posted by melt_ at Jan. 10, 2024
Valhalla DSP Valhalla Delay v2.5.1 macOS

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Delay v2.5.1 macOS | 3.1 Mb

Echoes of the past, present and future. Valhalla Delay is our take on classic and modern delay and echo units. Tape echo, BBD, old-school digital, pitch shifting – we’ve got you covered.

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Plate v1.5.0.25 WiN  Software

Posted by orientazure at July 22, 2018
Valhalla DSP Valhalla Plate v1.5.0.25 WiN

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Plate v1.5.0.25 WiN | 3.2 Mb

ValhallaPlate is our algorithmic take on the classic plate reverberation sound. Seven original algorithms emulate the sound and behavior of real world steel plate reverbs, and take the sound into dimensions that physical plates can't touch.

AudioFront DSP Trigger v1.6.2.0 (Win/macOS)  Software

Posted by melt_ at July 15, 2023
AudioFront DSP Trigger v1.6.2.0 (Win/macOS)

AudioFront DSP Trigger v1.6.2.0 (Win/macOS) | 8.3 Mb

DSP Trigger is a virtual drum brain that processes the audio output from drum pads and converts it to MIDI to be passed on to a drum sampler. It allows you to enhance an existing e-drum kit, offering new features and functionality that your drum brain doesn't natively support.

Overtone DSP PTC-2A v3.0.0 WiN / OSX / LiNUX  Software

Posted by orientazure at Sept. 18, 2018
Overtone DSP PTC-2A v3.0.0 WiN / OSX / LiNUX

Overtone DSP PTC-2A v3.0.0 WiN / OSX / LiNUX | 3.3 Mb / 6.7 Mb / 3.5 Mb

The PTC-2A is an emulation inspired by one of the most sought-after vintage EQs. Separate boost and attenuate controls allow simultaneous low frequency boost and cut, sculpting the signature sound, while a transformer-coupled valve / tube amplifier emulation further enhances the vintage qualities.

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Shimmer v1.2.2.2 (x64)  Software

Posted by Magictor at Dec. 4, 2021
Valhalla DSP Valhalla Shimmer v1.2.2.2 (x64)

Valhalla DSP Valhalla Shimmer v1.2.2.2 (x64) | 2.9 Mb

ValhallaShimmer is an algorithmic reverb designed for BIG sounds, from concert halls to the Taj Mahal to the Halls of Valhalla. All of the sliders have been designed to be tweaked in real time and have a smoothed response to avoid clicks when changing settings or automating the controls. At the same time, the algorithm has been highly optimized, so you get a huge reverb sound without straining your CPU.