How do I start talking about this compact and capital work? Perhaps saying that the magnificent cover, a drawing by Jordi Graells, in which the pair of musicians on stage, on the back, under a light bulb, is playing in an empty room (well, there are four cats), the I have framed and hung in my studio …? It was in 1973, neither the Mirasol Orchestra nor the Dharma existed yet. So, as today, open-minded adventures were a matter of four cats. It is what it touches when it lacks the parameters of the pop and the law of the majorities. This record has nothing to do with it.
Cool yet sensuous, aristocratic yet playful, the piano music of Spanish composer Xavier Montsalvatge, now in his late 90s, is a constant delight. Whether playing with Spanish motifs, as in the sexy habaneras sketch and the second of the Three Divertimentos, or with French-perfumed Impressionism, as in the pieces for left hand, Montsalvatge demonstrates a gift for elegant melody and delicate piano sonority. Especially ingratiating are the children's pieces, the Sonatine and Noah's Ark set, exquisite miniatures that are playful but sophisticated. Benita Meshulam, a champion of this music, makes a seductive case for it, as does the crystalline recording.
Joan Monné és un dels pianistes i compositors amb més sensibilitat dels que han sorgit a casa nostra. Com a intèrpret ha format part de grups com Alguímia o Carme Canela Quartet, ha actuat amb solistes com Bill McHenry, Joe Magnarelli, Peter King o Deborah Carter a festivals i mostres internacionals de jazz i a nombrosos clubs i auditoris. I com a professor destaca la seva tasca a l'Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC). Gràcies a aquesta tasca docent, Joan Monné ha pogut reunir una gran banda amb els joves valors que ha pogut veure créixer musicalment, una significativa reunió liderada per a aquest pianista com a mostra del que ens espera en un futur immediat a la rica escena jazzística del nostre país. El disc Joan Monné Nou Nonet és el resultat d’aquesta reunió. Un CD de composicions pròpies de Joan Monné amb àmplia diversitat a nivell rítmic, melòdic i harmònic, però sobretot estilístic.
Ambient Systems (1995). Ambient Systems is a compilation of Instinct's most talked about discoveries, an Underground Ambient epic of sorts exhibiting the talents of NY pioneer Terre Thaemlitz, the nationally acclaimed and officially supported SETI project, the brilliantly provocative Human Mesh Dance, and European ambient master Dominic Woosey as Mysteries of Science. Ambient Systems also features works from the captivating and ingenious Omicron, as well as the red-hot Sub Dub, Evolve Now, Adam Shaikh and Deep Space Network. Ambient Systems is pleased to introduce Facil, a collaboration between Tension Record's Abe Duque and P909's Dietrich Schoeneman. All artists are represented with compilation-only, exclusive tracks not to be found on their full-length releases…
On his third album as Trickfinger, John Frusciante makes the jump from Acid Test to its leftfield sub-label, Avenue 66, to unleash the full scope of his vision. On She Smiles Because She Presses The Button, the legendary, LA-based cult figure, presents his most diverse yet cohesive album to date.
Jordi Soler i Galí, known by the stage name Toti Soler, is a Spanish guitarist, singer and composer, one of the most important figures of contemporary music in Catalonia. His recording career started with a "nova canço" band named Els Xerracs, and later founded a pop group, Pic-Nic in 1967. He also began recording solo singles in the late '60s under his given name, Jordi Soler. After Pic-Nic broke up he co-founded the psychedelic rock group OM in 1969. In 1971 Soler met Taj Mahal and the two performed a number of concerts together. Soler's first solo album, Liebeslied, was released by Edigsa in 1972. Since then Soler has released a long string of solo albums and collaborations. Influences in Soler's music include world music (particularly Arab and Asian influences), traditional Flamenco guitar, classical and contemporary jazz.
L'auge del període barroc, a principis del segle XVIII, va ser un moment de guerres i aixecaments a Catalunya, però també de la creació d'una cort reial a Barcelona després de tres segles sense tenir-ne. Per això, els músics i compositors de Catalunya es van posar en contacte amb els estils i tècniques més avançats de Nàpols, París i Viena. Tomàs Milans (1672-1742) és un dels principals compositors d'aquest període, contemporani amb Fux, Delalande, Caldara, Scarlatti i Albinoni, tot i que va compondre només música religiosa per la seva obra com a mestre de capella a Barcelona i Girona.
Biosphere is the main recording name of Geir Jenssen, a musician who has released a notable catalog of ambient electronic music. He is well known for his "ambient house" then "arctic ambient" styles, and his use of music loops and peculiar samples from sci-fi sources. His track "Novelty Waves" was used for the 1995 Levi's ad campaign. His 1997 album Substrata is generally seen as one of the all-time classic ambient albums…
Perico Sambeat to surprise with a proposal so irreverent as explosive. Valencian saxophonist has gathered an ensemble with milloret the Valencian scene to pay tribute to a musician so brutal and iconoclast Frank Zappa. The opportunity to hear the work of Zappa as jazz offers one of those memorable occasions that any fan of good music should not miss.
Gravat als Ground Studios sota la direcció del guitarrista Jordi Matas, el segon disc dels Threejay ha arribat amb aires d’òpera prima. El fet que el nouvingut sigui tractat pels seus progenitors com si fos el primer, explica l’alt nivell de compromís i l’energia que ha necessitat el projecte. Threejay els va reunir, i aquest Our Voint of Piew els situa en un escenari complex, que parla de jazz des de la música simfònica, i es deixa portar tant pel ritme agressiu del heavy metal com per les tonades del pop. He de dir però, que la primera escolta em va traslladar al territori de les bandes sonores. I és que la música que han escrit aquests tres artesans-aventurers construeix un relat amb vocació de novel·la fantàstica, una fantasia que va força més enllà del simbòlic intercanvi d’inicials que exterioritza el títol.