Le philosophe s'efforce de montrer Dieu dans toutes ses dimensions, qu'elles soient éthique, religieuse, historique ou morale. …
The popularity of the film Tous les matins du monde (All the Mornings of the World) has revived the fortunes of the shadowy composer named Sainte-Colombe, who was active in the late seventeenth century. The film was largely fictitious, but subsequent research, much of it nicely summarized in the notes to this disc, has shed light on who Sainte-Colombe might have been, and has shown that the filmmakers, and the novelist (Pascal Quignard) who wrote the novel on which Tous les matins du monde was based, made some good guesses about him.
The popularity of the film Tous les matins du monde (All the Mornings of the World) has revived the fortunes of a shadowy composer named Sainte-Colombe, who was active in the late seventeenth century. The film was largely fictitious, but subsequent research, much of it nicely summarized in the notes to this disc, has shed light on who Sainte-Colombe might have been and has actually backed up some of the guesses made by filmmakers and by novelist Pascal Quignard, on whose book Tous les matins du monde was based.
Deux amis associent leurs compétences pour réduire la pollution plastique dans les océans. Les deux hommes ont pourtant des profils diamétralement opposés : Abhijee Chakir est un mafieux Indien et Alan Garfield un universitaire Américain. Pour financer leur croisade les complices mettent en place deux escroqueries d’une inventivité inouïe. Puis ils s’attaquent à des piliers économiques et politiques pour faire bouger les lignes. Tous les coups sont permis pour faire triompher la cause : la menace, le mensonge, l’instrumentation, et même le divin…