Pouvoirs publics, nutritionnistes et industriels de l’agro-alimentaire vous encouragent à manger toujours plus de céréales, « pour votre santé ». L’enquête de Julien Venesson montre au contraire qu’en éliminant le blé de votre alimentation, vous pourriez être en meilleure santé. …
Toubabou was formed in 1974 when percussionist Michel Séguin and vocalist Lise Cousineau, founding members of Ville Emard Blues Band (VEBB), were asked by the Québec government to organize the final concert of the Superfrancofête youth festival, on the Plains of Abraham in Québec City. Séguin and Cousineau had ties to French African musicians with whom they had played in 1973. These same musicians had given Séguin the title "Toubabou-djembe-folla" (bambara expression meaning "stranger playing skins"). They invited several artists from Mali and Senegal (including the renowned Doudou N'Diaye Rose) to join them for a show combining traditional African music with adaptations and original compositions by Toubabou…