Borowitz Quantum

Quantum Chaos — Quantum Measurement  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Quantum Chaos — Quantum Measurement

Quantum Chaos — Quantum Measurement by P. Cvitanović, I. Percival, A. Wirzba
English | PDF | 1992 | 325 Pages | ISBN : 0792315995 | 29.9 MB

This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `Quantum Chaos – Theory and Experiment', held at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, from 28 May to 1 June 1991.

Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Computing  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Computing

Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Computing by Dmitri V. Averin, Berardo Ruggiero, Paolo Silvestrini
English | PDF (True) | 2001 | 459 Pages | ISBN : 0306465655 | 42.8 MB

This volume is an outgrowth of the Second International Workshop on Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Computing held in Napoli, Italy, in June 2000. This workshop gathered a number of experts from the major Universities and Research Institutions of several countries. The choice of the location, which recognizes the role and the traditions of Naples in this field, guaranteed the participants a stimulating atmosphere. The aim of the workshop has been to report on the recent theoretical and experimental results on the macroscopic quantum coherence of macroscopic systems. Particular attention was devoted to Josephson devices. The correlation with other atomic and molecular systems, exhibiting a macroscopic quantum behaviour, was also discussed. The seminars provided both historical overview and recent theoretical ground on the topic, as well as information on new experimental results relative to the quantum computing area. The first workshop on this topic, held in Napoli in 1998, has been ennobled by important reports on observations of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence in mesoscopic systems. The current workshop proposed, among many stimulating results, the first observations of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence between macroscopically distinct fluxoid states in rf SQUIDs, 20 years after the Leggett's proposal to experimentally test the quantum behavior of macroscopic systems. Reports on observations of quantum behaviour in molecular and magnetic systems, small Josephson devices, quantum dots have also been particularly stimulating in view of the realization of several possible q-bits.

Quantum Gravity, Quantum Cosmology and Lorentzian Geometries  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Quantum Gravity, Quantum Cosmology and Lorentzian Geometries

Quantum Gravity, Quantum Cosmology and Lorentzian Geometries by Giampiero Esposito
English | PDF | 1994 | 343 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 22.9 MB

This book is aimed at theoretical and mathematical physicists and mathematicians interested in modern gravitational physics. I have thus tried to use language familiar to readers working on classical and quantum gravity, paying attention both to difficult calculations and to existence theorems, and discussing in detail the current literature. The first aim of the book is to describe recent work on the problem of boundary conditions in one-loop quantum cosmology. The motivation of this research was to under­ stand whether supersymmetric theories are one-loop finite in the presence of boundaries, with application to the boundary-value problemsoccurring in quantum cosmology. Indeed, higher-loop calculations in the absence of boundaries are already available in the litera­ ture, showing that supergravity is not finite. I believe, however, that one-loop calculations in the presence of boundaries are more fundamental, in that they provide a more direct check of the inconsistency of supersymmetric quantum cosmology from the perturbative point of view. It therefore appears that higher-order calculations are not strictly needed, if the one-loop test already yields negative results. Even though the question is not yet settled, this research has led to many interesting, new applications of areas of theoretical and mathematical physics such as twistor theory in flat space, self-adjointness theory, the generalized Riemann zeta-function, and the theory of boundary counterterms in super­ gravity. I have also compared in detail my work with results by other authors, explaining, whenever possible, the origin of different results, the limits of my work and the unsolved problems.

Elements of Quantum Optics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Elements of Quantum Optics

Elements of Quantum Optics by Pierre Meystre, Murray Sargent
English | PDF (True) | 507 Pages | ISBN : 3540742093 | 11.2 MB

Elements of Quantum Optics gives a self-contained and broad coverage of the basic elements necessary to understand and carry out research in laser physics and quantum optics, including a review of basic quantum mechanics and pedagogical introductions to system-reservoir interactions and to second quantization. The text reveals the close connection between many seemingly unrelated topics, such as probe absorption, four-wave mixing, optical instabilities, resonance fluorescence and squeezing. It also comprises discussions of cavity quantum electrodynamics and atom optics. The 4th edition includes a new chapter on quantum entanglement and quantum information, as well as added discussions of the quantum beam splitter, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light, and the input-output formalism needed to understand many problems in quantum optics. It also provides an expanded treatment of the minimum-coupling Hamiltonian and a simple derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, an important gateway to research in ultracold atoms and molecules.

An Axiomatic Basis for Quantum Mechanics: Volume 2 Quantum Mechanics and Macrosystems  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
An Axiomatic Basis for Quantum Mechanics: Volume 2 Quantum Mechanics and Macrosystems

An Axiomatic Basis for Quantum Mechanics: Volume 2 Quantum Mechanics and Macrosystems by Günther Ludwig
English | PDF | 1987 | 251 Pages | ISBN : 364271899X | 37.3 MB

In the first volume we based quantum mechanics on the objective description of macroscopic devices. The further development of the quantum mechanics of atoms, molecules, and collision processes has been described in [2]. In this context also the usual description of composite systems by tensor products of Hilbert spaces has been introduced. This method can be formally extrapolated to systems composed of "many" ele­ mentary systems, even arbitrarily many. One formerly had the opinion that this "extrapolated quantum mechanics" is a more comprehensive theory than the objec­ tive description of macrosystems, an opinion which generated unsurmountable diffi­ culties for explaining the measuring process. With respect to our foundation of quan­ tum mechanics on macroscopic objectivity, this opinion would mean that our founda­ tion is no foundation at all. The task of this second volume is to attain a compatibility between the objective description of macrosystems and an extrapolated quantum mechanics. Thus in X we establish the "statistical mechanics" of macrosystems as a theory more compre­ hensive than an extrapolated quantum mechanics. On this basis we solve the problem of the measuring process in quantum mechan­ ics, in XI developing a theory which describes the measuring process as an interaction between microsystems and a macroscopic device. This theory also allows to calculate "in principle" the observable measured by a device. Neither an incorporation of consciousness nor a mysterious imagination such as "collapsing" wave packets are necessary.

Conceptual Trends in Quantum Chemistry  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Conceptual Trends in Quantum Chemistry

Conceptual Trends in Quantum Chemistry by E. S. Kryachko, J. L. Calais
English | PDF | 1994 | 257 Pages | ISBN : 0792326210 | 23.1 MB

The rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full Ecclesiastes What is quantum chemistry? The straightforward answer is that it is what quan­ tum chemists do. But it must be admitted, that in contrast to physicists and chemists, "quantum chemists" seem to be a rather ill-defined category of scientists. Quantum chemists are more or less physicists (basically theoreticians), more or less chemists, and by large, computationists. But first and foremost, we, quantum chemists, are conscious beings. We may safely guess that quantum chemistry was one of the first areas in the natural sciences to lie on the boundaries of many disciplines. We may certainly claim that quantum chemists were the first to use computers for really large scale calculations. The scope of the problems which quantum chemistry wishes to answer and which, by its unique nature, only quantum chemistry can only answer is growing daily. Retrospectively we may guess that many of those problems meet a daily need, or are say, technical in some sense. The rest are fundamental or conceptual. The daily life of most quantum chemists is usually filled with grasping the more or less technical problems. But it is at least as important to devote some time to the other kind of problems whose solution will open up new perspectives for both quantum chemistry itself and for the natural sciences in general.

Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Spaces: Perspectives on Quantum Geometry  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Spaces: Perspectives on Quantum Geometry

Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Spaces: Perspectives on Quantum Geometry by Matilde Marcolli, Deepak Parashar
English | PDF | 2011 | 246 Pages | ISBN : 3834814423 | 2.3 MB

This book is aimed at presenting different methods and perspectives in the theory of Quantum Groups, bridging between the algebraic, representation theoretic, analytic, and differential-geometric approaches. It also covers recent developments in Noncommutative Geometry, which have close relations to quantization and quantum group symmetries. The volume collects surveys by experts which originate from an acitvity at the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

Quantum Electrodynamics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Quantum Electrodynamics

Quantum Electrodynamics by Walter Greiner , Joachim Reinhardt
English | PDF | 1994 | 417 Pages | ISBN : 3540780491 | 30.8 MB

The need for a second edition of our text on Quantum Electrodynamics has given us the opportunity to implement some corrections and amendments. We have corrected a number of misprints and minor errors and have supplied additional explanatory remarks at various places. Furthermore some new material has been included on the magnetic moment of the muon (in Example 5. 6) and on the Lamb shift (in Example 5. 8). Finally, we have added the new Example 3. 17 which explains the equivalent photon method. We thank several colleagues for helpful comments and also are grateful to Dr. R. Mattiello who has supervised the preparation of the second edition of the book. Furthermore we acknowledge the agreeable collaboration with Dr. H. J. K6lsch and his team at Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. Frankfurt am Main, Walter Greiner July 1994 Joachim Reinhardt Preface to the First Edition Theoretical physics has become a many-faceted science. For the young student it is difficult enough to cope with the overwhelming amount of new scientific material that has to be learned, let alone obtain an overview of the entire field, which ranges from mechanics through electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, field theory, nuclear and heavy-ion science, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and solid­ state theory to elementary-particle physics. And this knowledge should be acquired in just 8-10 semesters, during which, in addition, a Diploma or Master's thesis has to be worked on or examinations prepared for.

Classical Dynamics and Its Quantum Analogues  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Classical Dynamics and Its Quantum Analogues

Classical Dynamics and Its Quantum Analogues by David Park
English | PDF | 1990 | 343 Pages | ISBN : 3642749240 | 38.6 MB

The short Heroic Age of physics that started in 1925 was one of the rare occasions when a deep consideration of the question: What does physics really say? was necessary in carrying out numerical calculations. In many parts of microphysics the calculations have now become relatively straightforward if not easy, but most physicists seem to agree that some questions of principle remain to be resolved, even if they do not think it is very important to do so. This situation has affected the way people think and write about quantum mechanics, a gingerly approach to fundamentals and a tendency to emphasize what fifty years ago was new in the new theory at the expense of continuity with what came before it. Nowadays those who look into the subject are more likely to be struck by unexpected similarities between quantum and classical mechanics than by dramatic contrasts they had been led to expect. It is often said that the hardest part of understanding quantum mechanics is to understand that there is nothing to understand; all the same, to think quantum­ mechanically it helps to have firm mental connections with classical physics and to know exactly what these connections do and do not imply. This book originated more than a decade ago as informal lecture notes [OP, prepared for use in a course taught from time to time to advanced undergraduates at Williams College.

Quantum Chromodynamics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 18, 2025
Quantum Chromodynamics

Quantum Chromodynamics by Walter Greiner , Stefan Schramm , Eckart Stein
English | PDF (True) | 2007 | 562 Pages | ISBN : 3540485341 | 5.8 MB

The book is a self-contained introduction to perturbative and nonperturbative Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) with worked-out exercises for students of theoretical physics. It will be useful as a reference for research scientists as well. Starting with the hadron spectrum, the reader becomes familiar with the representations of SU(N). Relativistic quantum field theory is recapitulated, and scattering theory is discussed in the framework of scalar quantum electrodynamics. Then the gauge theory of quarks and gluons is introduced. In the more advanced chapters, perturbative and nonperturbative techniques in state-of-the-art QCD are discussed in great detail.