After an album with Didier Ithursarry (accordion) and Ramon Lopez (drums) as guest musicians, the presence of the Swiss double bass player, Heiri Känzig, enriches the duo of Cholet & Michel and his two partners for his new program, Extended Whispers.
Didier Lockwood signs, for his great phonographic return, an electroacoustic program of rare freedom. Coming from an unprecedented artistic collaboration, this record, which was recorded in a direct record, is above all the fruit of a collegiate experiment, in which the violinist crosses his bow with the indispensable tandem Charlier / Sourisse and Philippe Balatier, the Nojazz beatmaker. Spontaneous creation, collective musical emulation gives improvisation all its creative capacity in situ. Real space opera, the album that listens without pause, embarks the listener in an initiatory voyage in zero gravity, whose concept would be: to lose oneself to better find oneself.
Des vagues de jazz, de classique et de musique bretonne caressent « La plage » que le pianiste Didier Squiban parcourt en quartet. Didier Squiban avait d’abord pensé appeler son nouvel album « Da lec’h all » (« Autres directions» en breton) : « Ça aurait été symbolique de ce disque où je change de cap tout en me rapprochant de mes origines jazz avec la formule sax-contrebassebatterie-piano ». Finalement, il est resté fidèle à son principe de baptiser ses opus du nom du lieu où il les a enregistrés (« Molène », « Porz Gwenn », etc…). « La plage » dont il est question ici n’est pas une étendue de sable mais une guinguette située à Pléchâtel, sur la Vilaine.
Wonderful album adroitly mixing modern adaptations inspired by traditional folk melodies from Bretagne, the western-most region of France and ethereal, beautiful sounding original compositions. Any Piano lover will be enchanted Didier Squiban's piano solo albums, 'Molene', 'Rozbras', 'Porz Gwenn' and 'Ballades'. And no doubt many others will be.
This collection is the second volume in a series of Hummel piano concertos (after Vol.1, BC94338), bringing much-needed attention to one of the most respected composer-pianists of the 18th century.
Let's embark once again for the most mysterious of trips, the most beautiful of the walks. Let us carry over the notes following the unpredictable movement of an ocean more than capricious. The pace is accelerating, the melody is growing like a swell day of strong wind in the Iroise Sea … then comes the calm after the storm, leaving again appear the sweetness and finesse of the 9 compositions and arrangements of this musical masterpiece.
Those who liked "Symphonie de Bretagne" will be able to adore "Symphonie Iroise". Excellent mix of classical, jazz and traditional style to arrange dances, gwerziou, hymns and personal compositions. An extraordinary album that thrills every listen.
This is a live recording and the audience show their extreme pleasure between pieces as they should. The playing is exemplary: Squiban combines classicism with jazz and ethereal material but the beauty of it is that he joins all these styles together seamlessly. It is impossible to be bored by his playing as you never quite know what he'll insert next. The music is calming and powerful, enlivening and superior. If you like piano music then I would urge you to try and obtain this disc. I feel honoured to own it and can only dream of seeing the man play for real some day. Brilliant!