Quand en 2018 le pape François évoque la douleur de religieuses abusées et victimes d'agressions sexuelles, le monde est frappé de stupeur. La vague #Metoo a déferlé en un an à peine et l'Église n'est pas épargnée par les révélations scandaleuses. De l'Inde au Vatican, en passant par l'Argentine et l'Hexagone, Constance Vilanova donne la parole à ces femmes oubliées qui ont dû se reconstruire en se murant dans le silence trop souvent imposé.Il aurait été profondément injuste de se limiter au simple récit de ce scandale. …
Des extraterrestres ont envahi la Terre et réduit l'humanité à l'esclavage. Carmichael, un militaire à la retraite, décide de tout faire pour résister et les chasser de la planète. …
Deux mythes ont longtemps structuré la vision que les historiens de l’ère contemporaine ont nourrie de la France : que les Français auraient prétendu avoir résisté dans leur immense majorité, alors que la Résistance n’a eu de cesse, De Gaulle le premier, de rappeler qu’elle fut une minorité ; que les Français n’auraient découvert le génocide des Juifs par les nazis qu’à partir des années 1980. Le premier mythe, Pierre Laborie l’a démonté dans Le chagrin et le venin. Occupation. Résistance. Idées reçues (Folio Histoire n° 232)…
Grand Funk Railroad, sometimes known as Grand Funk, is an American rock band that was very popular during the 1970s, they toured extensively and played to packed arenas worldwide. David Fricke of Rolling Stone magazine once said, "You cannot talk about rock in the 1970s without talking about Grand Funk Railroad!" Grand Funk Railroad has certainly had their fair share of compilations released over the years…
One of the 1970s' most successful hard rock bands in spite of critical pans and somewhat reluctant radio airplay (at first), Grand Funk Railroad built a devoted fan base with constant touring, a loud, simple take on the blues-rock power trio sound, and strong working-class appeal…
Since Phil Lynott's Grand Slam never issued an album during their brief career, some assume that the group never saw the inside of a recording studio. But as proven by the double-disc set, Studio Sessions, this assumption is false. Compiled from tapes from the group's keyboardist, Mark Stanway, Grand Slam saw Lynott attempting to update Thin Lizzy's guitar-driven hard rockin' style, with more of an emphasis on keyboards/electronics and pop melodicism. Several of these tracks would later appear elsewhere (on recordings by Lizzy alumni Gary Moore and a Lynott solo single), but it was with Grand Slam that Lynott first tried out such tunes as "Nineteen" and "Military Man," both included here in their original form.
There is a clear-cut divide in Grand Funk Railroad's material; this chronicles the band's early period under flamboyant manager Terry Knight, who was bound and determined to prove that Grand Funk wa the biggest thing in rock and roll. This collection is a great overview of this period and is suggested for those who don't want to wade through the chaff in order to get the gems…
Many people have thought many things about Grand Funk Railroad, but chances are, no one ever thought they were politically conscious, despite songs like "People Let's Stop the War," "Save the Land," and "Freedom Is for Children." That's only one of the reasons why the double-disc Bosnia seems so odd: it's hard to believe that the band had even heard of Bosnia, much less care about what was happening there…