New Zealand band that started out as a jammy prog rock outfit emigrated to Australia around 1975 and transformed into a successful top 40 mainstream pop band. This is the Aussie "O Zambezi" Lp (The U.S. version is called "Are You Old Enough" with the bonus of an earlier (1977) big hit in Oz "April Sun In Cuba" and mixed up added/deleted tracks and sequence)…
Kiwi rock decadents Dragon's third album appeared in 1977 produced by Peter Dawkins, who tamed the verbose progressive rock sound of earlier efforts into an equally lurid pub rock sound. While their new approach took them chartwards and created one of the more extreme biographical histories in rock, the albums remain timepieces of a dark and decadent era for New Zealand rock probably best kept under the carpet…
Dragon formed in Auckland, New Zealand, in January 1972 with a line-up that featured Todd Hunter on bass guitar, guitarist Ray Goodwin, drummer Neil Reynolds and singer/pianist Graeme Collins. All had been in various short-lived bands in Auckland, Collins is credited with using I Ching to provide the name Dragon…
Erin Hunter est le pseudonyme collectif de plusieurs écrivaines.
Elles se relaient pour écrire les livres des séries "La Guerre des clans" (Warriors, 2003), "La Quête des ours", "Survivants" ainsi que "Bravelands".
C'est Kate Cary et Cherith Baldry qui se cachent d'abord sous le pseudonyme. Elles ont inventées le nom Erin Hunter pour éviter à leurs lecteurs d'avoir à chercher à deux endroits pour acheter leurs livres. …
Des siècles durant, le Syndicat Négociant d'Archefer s'est appuyé sur le sang de drac - et sur les pouvoirs qu'il confère aux Sang-bénis - pour protéger son empire. Mais cette manne précieuse est venue à manquer…