The present album, number nine in Eric le Sage’s valiant Schumann edition, is devoted to the trios with piano, a favourite formation of the 19th Century that combines the economy of chamber music with the prestige of instrumental music. He is accompanied by regular partners Gordan Nikolitch and Christophe Coin with a guest appearance from Paul Meyer on clarinet for Op. 56.
The next-to-last volume in the CPO complete recording of Johann Kuhnau’s cantatas once again presents outstanding examples of German Lutheran church music. "They reinforce the positive impression created by the previous volumes. The singers very much know their way around Kuhnau, and this knowledge is rendered audible. The instrumental parts are perfectly executed" (musicweb international of Vol. 6).
The first complete recording of works by Heinrich Schütz with the Dresdner Kammerchor under Hans-Christoph Rademann has set artistic and editorial benchmarks. The first eight instalments of the complete recording, containing among others the Geistliche Chor-Music 1648, the Italian Madrigals and the Psalms of David, are now being released in an 11 CD boxed set. The recordings have been supplemented with an Arthaus film entitled Heinrich Schütz. Der Vater der deutschen Musik which is a documentary by Jörg Kobel, with the assistance of Hans-Christoph Rademann, about the life and work of Heinrich Schütz.
The Heinrich Schütz Complete Recording with the Dresdner Kammerchor under Hans-Christoph Rademann has set new artistic and editorial standards. Now the third of three box sets is being released. It encompasses Volumes 15 to 20 of the Complete Recording. A worthy conclusion to this award-winning series.
Seine Bekanntheit im heutigen Musikleben verdankt Carl Stamitz hauptsächlich auch seinen Klarinettenkonzerten, die sowohl ästhetisch als auch gattungs- und musikhistorisch von nicht zu unterschätzender Bedeutung sind. Obwohl die genaue Anzahl seiner Klarinettenkonzerte nach derzeitigem Forschungsstand nicht zweifelsohne gesichert ist, werden ihm insgesamt 11 Klarinettenkonzerte zugeordnet, die vermutlich zwischen 1770 und 1790 entstanden sind. In der kompositorischen Behandlung der Klarinette bei Carl Stamitz zeigt sich, dass er versuchte die virtuose Seite der Klarinette auszuschöpfen, sie aber vornehmlich als Gesangsinstrument erkannte.