A partir de diverses sources de témoignages, de mémoires, de documents d'archives et d'oeuvres audiovisuelles, cette histoire de la guerre d'Algérie, de ses origines à 1962, permet de relater les événements tels qu'ils ont été vécus par les Algériens. …
Peut-on raconter autrement l'histoire de la guerre d'Algérie ? L'ambition de ce livre est de rapporter, en se fondant sur toutes les sources possibles et en particulier sur des documents inédits ou difficilement accessibles, un récit de cette guerre telle qu'elle a été vue, vécue et relatée par les Algériens, et en premier lieu par les combattants indépendantistes. …
Tout le monde sait comment on fait les bébés, mais les mamans… on les fait comment?
La première année de ta vie de mère ne ressemblera sans doute pas à celle que tu as imaginée. Mais elle sera la tienne, et tu peux la rendre parfaite… à ta manière! En remettant les pendules à l’heure sur une variété de sujets parfois délicats, ce livre déculpabilise joyeusement les nouvelles mamans de façon enveloppante et bienveillante. …
Women composers had great difficulty in making their voices heard and gaining recognition during their lifetimes. Even today, they are all too rarely heard in the concert hall or the opera house. That situation obviously cries out for a change in attitude, but then come the questions: all right, let’s programme women composers, but which ones, and which of their works? In this eight-CD set featuring several hundred performers, the Palazzetto Bru Zane offers its initial answer as far as nineteenth-century France is concerned. The selections range over chamber music, orchestral works, piano pieces and songs. They highlight twenty-one female creators, from already identified personalities like Hélène de Montgeroult, Louise Farrenc, Pauline Viardot, Marie Jaëll and Mel Bonis to such completely unknown figures as Charlotte Sohy, Madeleine Jaeger, Marthe Grumbach, Jeanne Danglas, Hedwige Chrétien and Madeleine Lemariey. From now on, there will be no excuse for ignoring Romantic women composers.
Women composers had great difficulty in making their voices heard and gaining recognition during their lifetimes. Even today, they are all too rarely heard in the concert hall or the opera house. That situation obviously cries out for a change in attitude, but then come the questions: all right, let’s programme women composers, but which ones, and which of their works? In this eight-CD set featuring several hundred performers, the Palazzetto Bru Zane offers its initial answer as far as nineteenth-century France is concerned. The selections range over chamber music, orchestral works, piano pieces and songs. They highlight twenty-one female creators, from already identified personalities like Hélène de Montgeroult, Louise Farrenc, Pauline Viardot, Marie Jaëll and Mel Bonis to such completely unknown figures as Charlotte Sohy, Madeleine Jaeger, Marthe Grumbach, Jeanne Danglas, Hedwige Chrétien and Madeleine Lemariey. From now on, there will be no excuse for ignoring Romantic women composers.
Women composers had great difficulty in making their voices heard and gaining recognition during their lifetimes. Even today, they are all too rarely heard in the concert hall or the opera house. That situation obviously cries out for a change in attitude, but then come the questions: all right, let’s programme women composers, but which ones, and which of their works? In this eight-CD set featuring several hundred performers, the Palazzetto Bru Zane offers its initial answer as far as nineteenth-century France is concerned. The selections range over chamber music, orchestral works, piano pieces and songs. They highlight twenty-one female creators, from already identified personalities like Hélène de Montgeroult, Louise Farrenc, Pauline Viardot, Marie Jaëll and Mel Bonis to such completely unknown figures as Charlotte Sohy, Madeleine Jaeger, Marthe Grumbach, Jeanne Danglas, Hedwige Chrétien and Madeleine Lemariey. From now on, there will be no excuse for ignoring Romantic women composers.
Blogueuse, l'auteure développe sa théorie de la coéducation émotionnelle comme philosophie éducative. Elle la décrit comme une spirale ascensionnelle où les émotions des parents et des enfants interagissent. Sa théorie repose sur dix points clés, comme la compréhension de la nature des émotions, l'acceptation de son histoire personnelle, la culture de l'empathie, l'enseignement des compétences. …