Karl Jaspers Weltanschaaung

Karl Jaspers: Physician, Psychologist, Philosopher, Political Thinker  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Dec. 21, 2022
Karl Jaspers: Physician, Psychologist, Philosopher, Political Thinker

Karl Jaspers: Physician, Psychologist, Philosopher, Political Thinker by Kurt Salamun
English | PDF | 2022 | 147 Pages | ISBN : 3476058956 | 3.1 MB

This book paints a brief picture of Karl Jaspers' unusual life and philosophy. The reader gets to know a brave personality who had to face a life between extremes. Threatened by an incurable disease and harassed by the Nazi regime, Jaspers nevertheless succeeds in building a fruitful work as a psychiatrist, researcher, academic teacher, philosopher and political writer and living an unusually happy marriage in the process. The reader is introduced to the main themes of his thinking: the meaning of life in borderline situations, interpersonal communication, God, the meaning of history and the defense of democracy. His criticism of illiberal totalitarian ways of thinking,

Karl Jaspers: Physician, Psychologist, Philosopher, Political Thinker  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Jan. 16, 2023
Karl Jaspers: Physician, Psychologist, Philosopher, Political Thinker

Karl Jaspers: Physician, Psychologist, Philosopher, Political Thinker by Kurt Salamun
English | EPUB | 2022 | 147 Pages | ISBN : 3476058956 | 0.3 MB

This book paints a brief picture of Karl Jaspers' unusual life and philosophy. The reader gets to know a brave personality who had to face a life between extremes. Threatened by an incurable disease and harassed by the Nazi regime, Jaspers nevertheless succeeds in building a fruitful work as a psychiatrist, researcher, academic teacher, philosopher and political writer and living an unusually happy marriage in the process. The reader is introduced to the main themes of his thinking: the meaning of life in borderline situations, interpersonal communication, God, the meaning of history and the defense of democracy. His criticism of illiberal totalitarian ways of thinking,

Karl Jaspers als philosophischer Schriftsteller: Schreiben in weltbürgerlicher Absicht  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Sept. 2, 2018
Karl Jaspers als philosophischer Schriftsteller: Schreiben in weltbürgerlicher Absicht

Karl Jaspers als philosophischer Schriftsteller: Schreiben in weltbürgerlicher Absicht by Dieter Lamping
German | PDF | 2018 | 167 Pages | ISBN : 3476046877 | 4.30 MB

Karl Jaspers gilt als ein Philosoph ohne schriftstellerischen Ehrgeiz, obwohl er der meistgelesene Philosoph der jungen Bundesrepublik war. Hannah Arendt ist die erste gewesen, die zwischen seiner Art zu schreiben und seinem weltbürgerlichen Denken eine Verbindung hergestellt hat. Diesem Hinweis geht das Buch nach, vor allem im Hinblick auf die Bücher und Aufsätze, mit denen Jaspers ein großes Publikum erreichte.
Karl Jaspers als philosophischer Schriftsteller: Schreiben in weltbürgerlicher Absicht (Repost)

Karl Jaspers als philosophischer Schriftsteller: Schreiben in weltbürgerlicher Absicht by Dieter Lamping
German | PDF | 2018 | 167 Pages | ISBN : 3476046877 | 4.30 MB

Karl Jaspers gilt als ein Philosoph ohne schriftstellerischen Ehrgeiz, obwohl er der meistgelesene Philosoph der jungen Bundesrepublik war. Hannah Arendt ist die erste gewesen, die zwischen seiner Art zu schreiben und seinem weltbürgerlichen Denken eine Verbindung hergestellt hat. Diesem Hinweis geht das Buch nach, vor allem im Hinblick auf die Bücher und Aufsätze, mit denen Jaspers ein großes Publikum erreichte.

Karl Jaspers - Leonardo filosofo (2001)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by edi1967 at June 1, 2019
Karl Jaspers - Leonardo filosofo (2001)

Karl Jaspers - Leonardo filosofo (2001)
Italiano | 2001 | 135 pages | ISBN: N/A | PDF | 15 MB

"Possediamo di Leonardo solo pochi, mirabili dipinti in un cattivo stato di conservazione, soprattutto la Monna Lisa e l'Ultima cena, nonché un autoritratto di incerta attribuzione, il volto indimenticabile di uno dei Grandi ineguagliabili, e infine un poderoso retaggio di appunti e disegni in migliaia di fogli. Vi si aggiungano le testimonianze di contemporanei e l'influenza esercitata su pittori nelle cui opere è avvertibile una risonanza delle sue idee. In questi resti e frammenti, nelle annotazioni giornaliere, in questa eco Leonardo è ancora percepibile.

Life conduct in modern times: Karl Jaspers and psychoanalysis  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at June 15, 2022
Life conduct in modern times: Karl Jaspers and psychoanalysis

Life conduct in modern times: Karl Jaspers and psychoanalysis By Matthias Bormuth (auth.)
2006 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 1402047649 | PDF | 3 MB

Karl Jaspers - Socrate, Buddha, Confucio, Gesù. Le personalità decisive  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Aug. 18, 2021
Karl Jaspers - Socrate, Buddha, Confucio, Gesù. Le personalità decisive

Karl Jaspers - Socrate, Buddha, Confucio, Gesù. Le personalità decisive
Italiano | 2021 | 128 pages | ASIN: ‎B09BK5V9FM | EPUB | 0,5 MB

A distanza di millenni, le figure di Socrate, Buddha, Confucio e Gesù non hanno smesso di suscitare la nostra viva curiosità e ancora rivestono un enorme significato nella vita di milioni di persone. Come spiegare la loro influenza nella storia dell'uomo, apparentemente destinata a durare in eterno? Qual è il modo per comprendere la loro eredità? Karl Jaspers si confronta con queste domande in "Socrate, Buddha, Confucio", Gesù, un estratto dall'opera del 1957 "I grandi filosofi", che oggi Campo dei Fiori presenta al lettore italiano come testo autonomo. In questo scritto il filosofo e psichiatra tedesco illustra le quattro "personalità decisive" nella convinzione che conoscerle a fondo equivalga a una "chiarificazione della coscienza storica universale". Jaspers riporta le biografie, cita le fonti, ricostruisce la storia della ricezione e sviscera il significato permanente della vita e dell'opera di questi quattro uomini..

One Century of Karl Jaspers' General Psychopathology (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by DZ123 at April 16, 2020
One Century of Karl Jaspers' General Psychopathology (Repost)

Giovanni Stanghellini, Thomas Fuchs, "One Century of Karl Jaspers' General Psychopathology"
English | 2013 | ISBN: 019960925X | PDF | pages: 345 | 1.8 mb

Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy and Psychopathology  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Feb. 2, 2021
Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy and Psychopathology

Thomas Fuchs, "Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy and Psychopathology"
English | ISBN: 146148877X | 2014 | 198 pages | EPUB, PDF | 753 KB + 2 MB

Ingeborg Gleichauf - Hannah Arendt und Karl Jaspers  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Bibliotkaaa at Sept. 25, 2023
Ingeborg Gleichauf - Hannah Arendt und Karl Jaspers

Ingeborg Gleichauf - Hannah Arendt und Karl Jaspers: Geschichte einer einzigartigen Freundschaft
Deutsch | ISBN: 3412522899 | 197 pages | True EPUB | 29.07.2021 | 7.48 MB