Drama (Richard BROOKS) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof [DVDrip] 1958DivX-1690 | mp3@192 | 704x384 | Thx to o.u. | English (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German srt in file) | DVD Cover | 1h44 | 1.4 Gb
20 Sept 1958Director Richard BROOKS (From Tennessee WILLIAMS)
Cast Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives, Jack Carson, Judith Anderson, Madeleine Sherwood, Larry Gates, Vaughn Taylor…
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" is the story of a Southern family in crisis, focusing on the turbulent relationship of a wife and husband, Maggie "The Cat" and Brick Pollitt, and their interaction with Brick's family over the course of one evening gathering at the family estate in Mississippi, ostensibly to celebrate the birthday of patriarch and tycoon "Big Daddy" Pollitt. Maggie, though witty and beautiful, has escaped a childhood of desperate poverty to marry into the wealthy Pollitt family, but finds herself suffering in an unfulfilling marriage. Brick, an aging football hero, has neglected his wife and further infuriates her by ignoring his brother's attempts to gain control of the family fortune. Brick's indifference and his near-continuous drinking dates back to the recent suicide of his friend Skipper. Big Daddy is unaware that he has cancer and will not live to see another birthday; his doctors and his family have conspired to keep this information from him and his wife. His relatives are in attendance and attempt to present themselves in the best possible light, hoping to receive the definitive share of Big Daddy's enormous wealth.Dans une villa du sud des États-Unis, la famille se réunit pour fêter l'anniversaire du patriarche malade, Big Daddy. Maggie et Brick forment un couple en pleine crise : Brick est déprimé par le suicide de son meilleur ami et se réfugie dans l'alcool. Maggie est frustrée car son époux ne veut plus accomplir son devoir conjugal. Brick la considère comme responsable de la mort de son ami, Skipper. Big Mama reproche à Maggie de ne pas avoir d'enfant. Maggie, comme Gooper, le frère de Brick, et son épouse (Mae) sont en fait venus pour tenter de s'approprier la majeure partie de l'héritage du père dont ils savent la fin prochaine. Gooper et Mae vont avoir fort à faire pour se mettre dans les petits papiers du père puisque Brick reste le fils préféré. Alors que la famille s'entre-déchire, Brick va se remettre en question et annoncer à son père ce qu'il ne sait pas encore : sa mort prochaine.