72 outils opérationnels pour gagner en efficacité dans sa vie personnelle et professionnelle grâce à la visualisation de la pensée. Ces outils sont divisés en dossiers : jouer avec les concepts, comparer et contraster, déterminer les causes, représenter des séquences, représenter les hiérarchies, les cycles, les interactions et interroger un sujet. …
« On veut s’envoyer en l’air, sans que ce soit galère ! »
On parle de plus en plus de l’endométriose. Une à deux femmes sur dix sont touchées par cette maladie, et plus de la moitié souffre de douleurs pendant les rapports sexuels. Pourtant, médecins et sexologues ne se sont pas encore beaucoup penchés sur la question, et les solutions qu’ils proposent sont inadaptées aux endométriosiques. …
How to read Ronsard today? Simply aloud or in singing it, like back then. Because, for Ronsard, nothing is more obvious than to unite music and poetry: “I also want you to encourage you to pronounce your verses loudly in your room, when you do them, or sooner sing them, whatever voice can have. » Ronsard, Abbrégé de l’Art poétique françois, 1565 As soon as the collection of Loves was published, it was fashionable for a composer to set these poems to music. To quote the most famous: Goudimel, Certon, and of course Janequin. But long after death of the poet, many composers have continued to do so: Bizet, Saint-Saëns, Ravel, Poulenc… It is because Ronsard’s texts have no no age; Pick the roses of life today is a principle immortal. Julien Joubert reads poetry every day, aloud and even the most often while singing. It was therefore only natural that he lean on the work by Ronsard.
Handel wrote little for his native tongue, but what he did demonstrates a particular level of contemplative piety while still employing the familiar techniques of Italian opera.
Praise for the beauty of nature and eternal life are the subjects of the sacred poems by his contemporary Barthold Heinrich Brockes which Handel set to music in his 'Nine German Arias'. Each aria celebrates an aspect of nature, from the beauty of a flaming rose to the sweetness of silence, with extraordinary tenderness and sincerity.