Android Hidden Settings allows you to open certain android settings, which some phone vendors hide from the user.App uses knowledge about android system that is not documented, so not all settings will work on your phone.
Android Hidden Settings allows you to open certain android settings, which some phone vendors hide from the user.App uses knowledge about android system that is not documented, so not all settings will work on your phone.
3C Toolbox is the must-have app for every Android user and every root user. 3C Toolbox combines many features from other great apps into one giant toolbox with a modern and easy-to-use interface. 3C Toolbox has every tool you need to monitor, control and fine-tune all your Android devices. Save 25€ or $30 by getting 3C Toolbox instead of many disparate apps.
3C Toolbox is the must-have app for every Android user and every root user. 3C Toolbox combines many features from other great apps into one giant toolbox with a modern and easy-to-use interface. 3C Toolbox has every tool you need to monitor, control and fine-tune all your Android devices. Save 25€ or $30 by getting 3C Toolbox instead of many disparate apps.