
ONE MEAL a DAY Intermittent Fasting: The Powerful Secret of the OMAD Diet for Extreme Weight Loss

ONE MEAL a DAY Intermittent Fasting: The Powerful Secret of the OMAD Diet for Extreme Weight Loss by Logan Wolf
English | September 12th, 2018 | ISBN: 1720269416 | 108 pages | EPUB | 1.78 MB

Is your weight dragging you down in life?
The OMAD Diet: Intermittent Fasting with One Meal a Day to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

The OMAD Diet: Intermittent Fasting with One Meal a Day to Burn Fat and Lose Weight by Alyssa Sybertz
English | December 8th, 2020 | ISBN: 1646040309 | 256 pages | EPUB | 1.46 MB

Make every meal count with this quick-start guide to the One Meal a Day (OMAD) lifestyle, including more than 100 delicious, satisfying recipes designed to meet daily nutritional needs and with options for keto, paleo, plant-based, and gluten-free diets.
LA DIETA OMAD LIBRO DI CUCINA 2022: Un Pasto al Giorno: una Guida per Perdere Peso

LA DIETA OMAD LIBRO DI CUCINA 2022: Un Pasto al Giorno: una Guida per Perdere Peso,
aumentare L'energia e il Tuo Sistema immunitario con 180 Deliziose Ricette Nutrienti

Italiano | 2022 | ASIN: B09Q249J8N | 308 Pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Intermittent Fasting Diet Guide and Cookbook: A Complete Guide to 16:8, OMAD, 5:2, Alternate-day, and More

Intermittent Fasting Diet Guide and Cookbook: A Complete Guide to 16:8, OMAD, 5:2, Alternate-day, and More by Becky Gillaspy
English | December 22, 2020 | ISBN: 1465497668 | 224 pages | MOBI | 19 Mb
Intermittent Fasting Diet Guide and Cookbook: A Complete Guide to 16:8, OMAD, 5:2, Alternate-day, and More

Becky Gillaspy, "Intermittent Fasting Diet Guide and Cookbook: A Complete Guide to 16:8, OMAD, 5:2, Alternate-day, and More"
English | ISBN: 1465497668 | 2020 | EPUB | 224 pages | 56 MB

OMAD Diet Cookbook: The Low Carb Dietary Guide For Effective Weight Loss  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by DZ123 at Aug. 8, 2022
OMAD Diet Cookbook: The Low Carb Dietary Guide For Effective Weight Loss

ANDERSON ZIGGY, "OMAD Diet Cookbook: The Low Carb Dietary Guide For Effective Weight Loss"
English | 2022 | ASIN: B0B6XN1TPD, B0B7DSFTJ8, B0B6XS3MD8 | EPUB | pages: 146 | 0.2 mb
One Meal a Day Diet: Lose 1 Pound a Day and Lose 10 Pounds in a Week with Intermittent Fasting For Women and Men

Diana Polska, "One Meal a Day Diet: Lose 1 Pound a Day and Lose 10 Pounds in a Week with Intermittent Fasting For Women and Men"
2017 | ISBN-10: 1927977444 | 346 pages | PDF | 1 MB

Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 50  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Free butterfly at July 6, 2022
Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 50

Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 50: Get Fit and Forget About Hunger Strikes With a Tailored Fasting Plan, 150+ Healthy Recipes, and a Weekly OMAD Plan Turn Back The Clock and Feel Like a 30yo by Brenda Pylon
English | 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B09XYTM7ZG | 273 pages | EPUB | 2.17 Mb
One Meal a Day Diet: Lose up to 10 Pounds in a Week with Simplified Intermittent Fasting (Healthcare)

One Meal a Day Diet: Lose up to 10 Pounds in a Week with Simplified Intermittent Fasting (Healthcare) by Diana Polska
English | October 15th, 2021 | ISBN: 1770403388 | 156 pages | True EPUB | 1.91 MB

Lose 1 Pound a Day and Lose 10 Pounds in a Week with Intermittent Fasting Starvation, counting calories, dieting, or eating unappetizing foods are ways of the past. Groundbreaking scientific research reveals that it's not so much what you eat but when you eat it.

Gin Stephens - Il libro definitivo sul digiuno intermittente  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at May 11, 2021
Gin Stephens - Il libro definitivo sul digiuno intermittente

Gin Stephens - Il libro definitivo sul digiuno intermittente
Italiano | 2021 | 345 pages | ISBN: 8820071266 | EPUB | 1,2 MB

Con il digiuno intermittente non dovrete più rinunciare ai vostri cibi preferiti ma solo rimandare il momento in cui gustarli. In questo libro, Gin Stephens spiega i dati scientifici alla base di questo approccio e illustra il «digiuno pulito», un metodo messo a punto in anni di ricerca. Il suo esclusivo programma in ventotto giorni è l'ideale per abituarsi all'alternanza tra digiuno e finestra alimentare, un modello nutrizionale che permette al corpo di imparare ad attingere alle riserve di grasso compreso quello addominale, il più difficile da debellare. L'autrice fornisce numerosi suggerimenti e «trucchi» su come fare del digiuno intermittente uno stile di vita vincente e facile da applicare, oltre a esaustive descrizioni di tutti i modelli: quello alternato, gli schemi 18/6, 19/5, 23/1, OMAD e altri ancora..