We all know we should recreate our soul and become more relaxed. Stress is a contributing factor in many health problems: high blood pressure, overeating, diabetes, heart disease, etc. What is good for the soul is good for the body and vice versa. In this rush-rush world of ours, maybe we have not taken enough time to think about recreation of our souls, what it means and how to acquire it. When we are at peace within, we are at peace with others. No doubt this has an overall impact on our overal health. Let's therefore listen to some relaxing music for recreating our soul. This music will help us to fight stress and to find relaxation.
Roraima, by Norwegian bassist and composer Sigurd Hole, was commissioned by Oslo World for the festival in 2020. The work reflects themes such as solidarity and ecological vulnerability and draws inspiration from the creation myth of the Yanomami people and the sound of the Amazon rainforest.
Messiaen’s most famous work, Quatuor pour la fin du temps (Quartet for the End of Time), was composed while a captive in a German prisoner of war at Stalag VIII A, located near the town of Görlitz-Moys in Silesia, Germany. Messiaen met there three fellow prisoners who were also accomplished musicians: Etienne Pasquier, a world-class cellist who had already secured an international reputation as a member of the Pasquier Trio; Jean Le Bou-laire, a violinist who had studied at the Paris Conservatory; and Henri Akoka, a clarinetist who was a member of the Paris-based Orchestre National de la Radio. Together, this unusual ensemble formed the basis for one of the most extraordinary works of the 20th century.