Correspondance de M. Yourcenar au milieu des années 1960, période pendant laquelle elle travaille sur trois ouvrages : Fleuve profond, sombre rivière, La couronne et la lyre et L'oeuvre au noir. Elle s'interroge sur la traduction de ses oeuvres et évoque les négligences des éditeurs et les difficultés de publication. …
Endangered Species: A Compilation Of Rare And Obscure Tracks is a 2000 compilation album by British singer-songwriter Des'ree. As suggested by its title, it is not a greatest hits compilation, but a collection of assorted b-side only tracks, songs from soundtracks, and live versions of her hits from her first three albums. The selection features five b-sides from her different singles (with "Warm Hands, Cold Heart", a b-side to "You Gotta Be" being a new mix specially done for the compilation), five live songs, an acoustic mix, the song "Silent Hero" which was recorded for the 1995 film Clockers, and one then-unreleased song, "Soul Mates". It is Des'ree's only compilation to date. Des'ree was taking time off from music at the time to focus on her private life and the making of her fourth album Dream Soldier and therefore did not promote the album, which did not chart.
On her third album of adult R&B, new age princess Des'ree offers up more musical self-help tips and self-esteem makeovers for the chronically lovesick and spiritually downhearted. And while there's nothing as peacefully sublime as "You Gotta Be" (from 1994's I Ain't Movin') on Supernatural, the listen is a soothing one. Credit Brit Des'ree herself for this; her voice – a reassuring tool that envelops everything around it – has never been better. Working her softened tones around the mostly forgettable material (many of the songs try to rewrite "You Gotta Be" by essentially sticking with the same formula of making sophisticated urban soul), she creates a melodic new-age tone (complete with a cover of Bruce Springsteen's "Fire") that may not stick with you a lifetime, but it sure feels like the most tranquil place on earth for its 50 minutes.
Un guide pratique pour tout savoir de la loi de Pareto.
La loi ou principe de Pareto a été élaborée par Vilfredo Pareto à la fin du 19e siècle. Malgré son ancienneté, elle reste tout à fait actuelle et continue à être utilisée dans de très nombreux domaines. Selon ce principe, également connu sous le nom de « Règle des 80/20 », 20% des causes seraient responsables de 80% des effets. …