Embarquez pour un voyage initiatique au coeur de la Mongolie des chamans, cette terre enclavée de l'Asie centrale, avec ses hordes de cavaliers lancés à l'assaut du monde, ses nomades, ses troupeaux de rennes, ses neiges éternelles, ses espaces infinis, où les étoiles toutes proches sont prêtes à être cueillies. Car, aujourd'hui, un souffle nouveau balaie ces étendues sauvages…
Decca Classics announces the release of the first in a trilogy of recordings from the internationally acclaimed vocal ensemble Stile Antico to celebrate major anniversaries of three Renaissance masters. The first release, The Golden Renaissance: Josquin des Prez is dedicated to the Franco-Flemish composer to mark the 500th anniversary of his death and features a world premiere recording of Josquin's chanson, Vivrai je tousjours.
The blend between the voices is finely controlled, the tone mellow and the tuning spectacularly accurate, giving rise to an organ-like sonority that is genuinely thrilling,” wrote Gramophone magazine, praising the Hilliard Ensemble’s four singers, who excelled in an extraordinary variety of music over a 40-year career. This seven-CD collection extends from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, offering music by composers from England, France, Flanders and Germany.
L'année 1515 est marquée par la bataille de Marignan, un tournant pour la France avec François Ier, mais également pour l'Europe toute entière qui s'ouvre à l'Amérique et à l'Orient. …
This final LOiseau-Lyre set presents some of the most significant Medieval & Renaissance albums recorded by one of the most authoritative Early Music labels.
Cet ouvrage offre un vaste enseignement sur la sculpture italienne de la seconde moitié du Quattrocento et du début du Cinquecento, permettant de mieux comprendre cette période souvent considérée comme l'apogée de la Renaissance. Fruit du travail des meilleurs historiens de l'art, il nous livre une étude complète et renouvelée des styles qui fleurissent de Venise à Rome en passant par Sienne, Bologne, Padoue, Mantoue, Milan, Pavie, …
The blend between the voices is finely controlled, the tone mellow and the tuning spectacularly accurate, giving rise to an organ-like sonority that is genuinely thrilling,” wrote Gramophone magazine, praising the Hilliard Ensemble’s four singers, who excelled in an extraordinary variety of music over a 40-year career. This seven-CD collection extends from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, offering music by composers from England, France, Flanders and Germany.
In 1968, six former choral scholars from King’s College, Cambridge established the King’s Singers, later described by The Times as “the superlative vocal sextet”. The group has always comprised two countertenors, a tenor, two baritones and a bass, and over the years it has proved consistently exceptional for vocal distinction and breadth and diversity of repertoire. This celebratory collection of eight CDs focuses on Renaissance composers from Italy, England, France, Spain, Germany and the Low Countries.