"Ce qui est vécu, et passionnément espéré dans l'aventure, c'est le surgissement de l'avenir." - V.Jankélévitch
La philosophie peut-elle penser l'aventure ? L'imaginaire exaltant du voyage, le vacarme joyeux des exploits, la vibrante passion des découvertes nous paraissent un continent vierge, sur lequel l'exercice de la pensée ne peut accoster. Jankélévitch démontre ici le contraire. Par l'analyse des différentes formes de la vie aventureuse, il restitue à cette notion, évocatrice entre toutes, son attrait et son pouvoir de fascination. …[/quote
Les Kapsber’girls, an ensemble of four singers and instrumentalists directed by the lutenist Albane Imbs, has already released its debut album (Che fai tù?, released on Muso) which received several awards. The group now joins Alpha for several recordings, starting with Vous avez dit Brunettes? – ‘brunettes’ being the name of the chansons that lovers crooned in each others’ ears by the Bassin d’Apollon or among the groves of the Petit Trianon at Versailles Palace, undeniably light in character yet powerfully authentic. Seventeenth-century France was home to a host of artists whose talent served the nobility and the bourgeoisie, who were extremely partial to these airs. Performing them as vocal solos or duets with lute or viol, Les Kapsber’girls bring back to life, more than three centuries later, these works published by Ballard & Fils, printers to the Sun King, alongside such little-known composers as Julie Pinel and Giuseppe Saggione.
The term ‘brunette’ refers not only to a young woman with brown hair, but also to a musical form that was highly fashionable from the late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth. The genre evolved from the air de cour, extremely popular in France since the beginning of the seventeenth century. The compositional process, however, remained very similar: to write a short, tender song, dealing with themes of love or nature, which could be sung alone or accompanied by a harmonic instrument. The late seventeenth century also saw the appearance of an instrument that soon became a favourite of composers and amateur musicians: the German flute, now called the traverso or Baroque flute.
Recueil de sept nouvelles sur les thèmes de l'amour, de la fidélité, de l'identité, de l'être et du paraître éclairées d'un regard lucide et désabusé sur la société. Il constitue une sorte de laboratoire pour les premiers romans de M. Kundera. …
Bach model Dieupart completely redefined. Bob van Asperen dispels false facts in Dieupart's biography and does away with inadequate editions of music.