A Voyage Through Classical Music - a collection for lovers of classical music. Excellent selection of orchestral, chamber and other music, including songs with piano, strings, brass and other instruments.
Et si le yéti existait ? Et s’il n’était pas seulement un personnage de légende ? Animé de cette folle certitude, le zoologue Jordi Magraner part à la recherche de l’homme sauvage dans les montagnes d’Afghanistan et du Pakistan à la fin des années 1980. Remuant ciel et terre, bataillant contre tous, il parvient à monter plusieurs expéditions scientifiques.
Jordi a été assassiné en 2002. À ce jour, le crime demeure irrésolu. Pendant trois ans, l’écrivain Gabi Martínez a enquêté pour nous livrer le récit mystérieux et palpitant de cette histoire vraie, de cette quête d’absolu. …
For the arch-Protestant Bach Family – as for German musicology in the 19th and early 20th centuries – through his conversion to Catholicism and his turning to Italian opera Johann Christian Bach was considerd the “black sheep” of the family. Prior to his brilliant career as an opera composer and impresario in London, from 1757 to 1760 he held the position of organist at the Milan Cathedral. During this period he composed numerous sacred works which are least well-known among the works of the youngest Bach son. Under the direction of Gerhard Jenemann, the renowned solo quartet centered around Joanne Lunn and Thomas E. Bauer, the Süddeutsche Kammerchor and Concerto Köln bring to light a completely unknown Johann Christian Bach and they make clear why the “London Bach” was also called the “Milan Bach.”