Esoteric Japan released a Hybrid SACD box set of Mozart: 9 Symphonies on December 15, 2015.
Wanda Sa's debut album was born a classic. Produced by Roberto Menescal in 1964, it introduced not only a new generation of composers and musicians, but also one of the emblematic voices of Bossa Nova.
Ce pourrait être le titre d'un roman de Tolstoï. Jean-Louis Murat a choisi de baptiser son album Le Moujik et sa femme du nom de la formation qui a enregistré ce disque. Après l'expérience étonnante (et électronique) de Muragostang, Jean-Louis Murat reprend goût aux choses plus naturelles. Un retour à la musique organique, et aux chansons pop à guitares.
Des premiers 45 tours de «l’idole des jeunes» dans les années soixante aux concerts monumentaux des années 2000, la carrière de Johnny Hallyday est un héritage artistique exceptionnel. Durant plus de 40 ans avec 43 albums studio et 22 albums «live» à son catalogue, Mercury Records est le label qui bâti à ses côtés cette carrière inoubliable.
Le Coffret 100 titres (5CD) de l’album de sa vie retrace les grandes chansons de la discographie de Johnny Hallyday : L’œuvre d’une vie
Boubacar Traore (born 1942 in Kayes, Mali) is a renowned singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Traoreqq also goes by the nickname Kar Kar, "the one who dribbles too much" in Bambara, a reference to his soccer playing: "a nickname I got from playing soccer when I was young. People would yell 'Kari, Kari' - dribble, dribble - the name stuck with me"
One thing that makes the music on this recording exceptional is of course that it could only have been played by these four musicians. Each one is an individual with his own sound, his own approach to improvising and each has his own musical experience to draw from. Another thing that makes it remarkable is the attitude and inspiration of the quartets leader and composer. Eric leads without dominating, sharing his compositions and ideas with his partners in such a way that allows each one the freedom to contribute their own ideas and inventions to the whole. Last, but not least, Eric’s wonderfully adventurous trumpet playing and his humanity.