The radical free jazz group Gruppo Romano Free Jazz electrified the musical world of Italy when it was organized in 1966 and brought its members worldwide acclaim. Since then, Mario Schiano, Giancarlo Schiaffini, and Bruno Tommaso have appeared on dozens of recordings and, to varying degrees, developed considerable reputations in Italy and internationally. The live concert at the Roman Philharmonic Academy (with 1,400 in attendance) documented on this recording was a 36th reunion of sorts, with the young trombone phenom Sebi Tramontana added for the second piece…
One of the most uncompromising free jazz records ever made, this one-off improvisation by a group of Dutch players, led by percussionist Pierre Courbois, is an archetype of the style. Free jazz doesn't just require a lot of unrestrained blowing and freeform noise, although there are passages of that here…
Here is a second volume in Splasc(h)'s '60s jazz reissue series – the first being Mario Schiano's Original Sins featuring material from 1967-1970. The presentation on Ecstatic is somewhat misleading, as Gruppo Romano Free Jazz is really just Schiano with many of the ensemble players from the first volume: namely Giancarlo Schiaffini on trombone, ocarina, and baritone flugelhorn; Schiano on alto and soprano saxophone; Marcello Melis on bass and toy guitar; and Franco Pecori on drums…