The Castle, based on the story by Franz Kafka, is the fourth release of the Eastgate's Sonic Poems Series. The album consists of ten new compositions, eight of them composed by Edgar Froese, one by Thorsten Quaeschning, and one by both. "Although Kafka wasn't able to finish his last work, The Castle, he didn't need to; he has said everything that needed saying… It s impossible to transform The Castle into music. That's why it will never be more than an incomplete and abortive attempt. If we fail, then at least the risk is worth applause." The Eastgate Music Shop about the release: "There is a hidden secret behind this unfinished story of Franz Kafka. The Castle is never meant to be a building as we would expect it. Kafka goes further, much further. The story of The Castle follows a deeper study of mankind and society and is maybe one of the most challenging projects TD came up with. So take a ticket to ride and enjoy the musical atmosphere soon."