With Le Jardin de Monsieur Rameau, William Christie invites us to take a pleasant walk in the beautiful garden of French vocal music from the XVIIIth Century. Featured composers include Rameau and his contemporaries, and the repertoire ranges from opera highlights and profane cantatas to instrumental interludes. Christie's program presents a vivid overview of the music that was played in Versailles at the peak of its splendor. The album's vocal soloists are young singers who took part in Le Jardin des Voix (The Garden of Voices) - a biannual musical academy led by William Christie and Paul Agnew that is designed to unveil the most promising talents of the coming generation.
This harpsichord recital by Scott Ross was first broadcast on the French radio France Musique in 1986. It was only released on CD in 2009 by Diapason. In this recital, Scott Ross plays the Suite in E minor and the First Concert in C minor by Jean-Philipe Rameau, the 4th suite in D major by Johann Sebastian Bach and three sonatas (K215, K492 and K27) by Domenico Scarlatti.
Toutes les techniques des professionnels de la manipulation : analyse de la persuasion, de l'influence et du pouvoir par la parole. …
Présentation de douze techniques de manipulation mettant en lumière les ressorts de la persuasion, de l'influence et du pouvoir par la parole. …
Trop, c’est trop ! Être dérangé plusieurs fois par jour au téléphone par des vendeurs indélicats, ne plus pouvoir faire ses courses sans être sollicité à tout bout de champ par des importuns, ça suffit ! …
Christophe Rousset in his two-CD set confines himself to the three principal collections of 1706, 1724 and c. 1728 additionally including La Dauphine (1747) and the charming but slight Les petits marteaux de M Rameau. This last-mentioned piece was until recently thought to be by Rameau's one-time pupil and champion, Balbastre.
The 18th century was a time when deportment and noble behavior were essential for people of quality. Dance formed a major part of all social ceremonies and theatrical presentations. Nowhere was dancing more highly regarded than in France, where ballets de cour assumed great importance, and the Lullian tragedie en musique had its counterpart in the ballet en action of the opera-ballet. The Fantaisie (1729) and Plaisirs champetres (1734) of Jean-Fiery Rebel, reflecting the differing personalities of their prima ballerinas Camargo and Salle, have been called choreographic symphonies.
Tableau comparatif des versions consolidées du traité sur l'Union européenne et du traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne, ainsi que des 37 protocoles, deux annexes et 65 déclarations. Les différences entre les versions antérieure et postérieure au traité de Lisbonne sont indiquées dans une couleur différente. A jour des modifications apportées par l'adhésion de la Croatie en 2013. …