Uscirne Vivi Munro

Rick Riordan - Magnus Chase e gli dei di Asgard. Le storie segrete  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at June 13, 2019
Rick Riordan - Magnus Chase e gli dei di Asgard. Le storie segrete

Rick Riordan - Magnus Chase e gli dei di Asgard. Le storie segrete
Italiano | 2019 | 242 pages | ISBN: 8804711701 | EPUB | 0,6 MB

Il Ragnarok, il Giorno del Giudizio, è stato scongiurato, ma nei Nove Mondi la quiete non è destinata a durare e per gli eroi del Valhalla le imprese non finiscono mai. Mentre Odino è alla ricerca di un nuovo capitano per le sue valchirie e Thor si accinge ad affrontare una corsa per i Nove Mondi, Magnus Chase si reca in visita dalla cugina Annabeth, non sapendo che i suoi compagni stanno per ritrovarsi in guai seri…

Munro - Tome 3 - Les Fleurs Bleues de Ha Ta Men  Comics

Posted by Mendose at Jan. 20, 2017
Munro - Tome 3 - Les Fleurs Bleues de Ha Ta Men

Munro - Tome 3 - Les Fleurs Bleues de Ha Ta Men
French | CBR | 51 pages | 20 MB

Alice Munro  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at Dec. 23, 2021
Alice Munro

Alice Munro By Charles E. May
2012 | 328 Pages | ISBN: 1429837225 | PDF | 3 MB
One Piece (1999 S20E07 I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebeccas Sentiments! ZR

One Piece (1999 S20E07 I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebeccas Sentiments! ZR
MKV | 1920x1080 | English / 日本語 | H264 @ 27994 kbps | FLAC @ 689.547 kbps | 23 min 51 s | 4.77 GiB
Subtitles: English

Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Sept. 28, 2018
Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro (Repost)

Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro by Amelia DeFalco
English | PDF,EPUB | 2018 | 258 Pages | ISBN : 3319906437 | 3.16 MB

Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro explores the representation of embodied ethics and affects in Alice Munro’s writing. The collection illustrates how Munro’s short stories powerfully intersect with important theoretical trends in literary studies, including affect studies, ethical criticism, age studies, disability studies, animal studies, and posthumanism.
Stephen Coombs, Ian Munro, Jerzy Maksymiuk - The Romantic Piano Concerto Vol. 3: Felix Mendelssohn: Double Concertos (1992)

Stephen Coombs, Ian Munro, Jerzy Maksymiuk, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra - The Romantic Piano Concerto Vol. 3: Felix Mendelssohn: Double Concertos (1992)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 263 Mb | Total time: 72:27 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | # CDA66567 | Recorded: 1991

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1845) was a genius of quite extraordinary dimensions. He had reached full maturity as a composer by the age of sixteen (1825, the year of the String Octet), by which time he had also proved himself a double prodigy on both piano and violin, an exceptional athlete (and a particularly strong swimmer), a talented poet (Goethe was a childhood friend and confidante), multi-linguist, water-colourist, and philosopher. He excelled at virtually anything which could hold his attention for long enough, although it was music which above all activated his creative imagination.

Reading Alice Munro’s Breakthrough Books: A Suite in Four Voices  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by readerXXI at Oct. 22, 2024
Reading Alice Munro’s Breakthrough Books: A Suite in Four Voices

Reading Alice Munro’s Breakthrough Books: A Suite in Four Voices
by J.R. (Tim) Struthers, Ailsa Cox
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1399534521 | 210 Pages | True PDF | 3.7 MB

Doug Munro - Autumn in Blue (1993)  Music

Posted by Domestos at June 13, 2020
Doug Munro - Autumn in Blue (1993)

Doug Munro - Autumn in Blue (1993)
EAC Rip | FLAC (tracks+.cue, log) ~ 203.72 Mb | 40:03 | Cover
Fusion, Crossover Jazz | Country: USA | Label: CMG Records - CMD 9002

Doug Munro (born July 9, 1953) is an American musician, arranger, producer, composer, author, and educator specializing in jazz, bebop, Brazilian jazz, jazz fusion, and gypsy swing. Since 1986 he has released over fifteen albums as a band leader and has appeared on over 75 recordings as a guitarist, sideman, producer, and arranger. He has been nominated for two Grammy Awards and was the recipient of two NAIRD Awards by the American Association of Independent Music.

Lake Dwellings after Robert Munro  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by step778 at July 5, 2023
Lake Dwellings after Robert Munro

Magdalena S. Midgley, Jeff Sanders, "Lake Dwellings after Robert Munro. Proceedings from the Munro International Seminar: The Lake Dwellings of Europe 22nd and 23rd October 2010, University of Edinburgh"
English | 2012 | pages: 194 | ISBN: 9088900922 | PDF | 5,9 mb

Franco Enna - Tempo di massacro  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Sept. 5, 2023
Franco Enna - Tempo di massacro

Franco Enna - Tempo di massacro
Italiano | 2023 | 205 pages | ASIN: B0CG99CS5R | EPUB | 1,1 MB

"Parte per un meritato riposo, dopo anni di lavoro intenso, duro, sfibrante, ma lascia dietro di sé il ricordo vivissimo del suo attaccamento alla giustizia e all'onore. Ormai Leslie Colina può dichiararsi soddisfatto: nient'altro ha da chiedere alla vita…".Dalla soleggiata (ma caotica) Los Angeles alla splendida Roma, il passo è tutto fuor che breve. Ma per Leslie Colina, figlio di immigrati siciliani che è riuscito a fare fortuna in America come astuto detective, il viaggio si offre come un'opportunità per riprendere un po' il fiato. Una vacanza, insomma! Ma come potrebbe, uno come lui, pensare seriamente di rilassarsi quando ci sono schiere di malviventi costantemente sulle sue tracce? All'ombra del cupolone di San Pietro, infatti, si nascondono insidie che il buon investigatore non ha previsto di incontrare. Qualcuno gli vuole fare la pelle, e Leslie non è sicuro di poter contare sull'aiuto di nessuno. Come uscirne vivi?