Lorsque la mort du vieux réformiste Hu Yaobang, le 15 avril 1989, marqua le commencement du "Printemps de Pékin", Eric Meyer était sur place. Sinologue averti, chroniqueur indépendant, il a vécu d'un bout à l'autre le soulèvement étudiant, notant au jour le jour ses impressions, décrivant ses rencontres, prêtant l'oreille à toutes les informations. Quelque temps après le massacre des étudiants de la place Tian An Men, il a reconstitué le film complet des événements. …
Et si notre monde se trouvait brusquement paralysé par une gigantesque panne informatique, une sorte de 11 septembre technologique… Et si l'antidote, la clé informatique qui permettrait d'éviter le chaos menait directement au Château de Versailles ? Dans une atmosphère d'apocalypse, ce thriller aux allures de quête initiatique nous entraîne dans les souterrains du Château, les bosquets et les fontaines de Le Nôtre. …
The present album, number nine in Eric le Sage’s valiant Schumann edition, is devoted to the trios with piano, a favourite formation of the 19th Century that combines the economy of chamber music with the prestige of instrumental music. He is accompanied by regular partners Gordan Nikolitch and Christophe Coin with a guest appearance from Paul Meyer on clarinet for Op. 56.
Daishin Kashimoto, Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Meyer, Zvi Plesser and Éric Le Sage, who have been close musical partners for years, joined forces once again at the Salon de Provence Chamber Music Festival to record this programme devoted to Viennese composers of the early twentieth century. The most famous and innovative of these are represented: Schoenberg with his Kammersymphonie no.1, Mahler with two lieder transcribed for flute and piano, Zemlinsky’s Clarinet Trio and several pieces by Berg. A disc that encapsulates both the exhaustion of a bygone Romantic age and the avant-garde promises of a modern world still to be built…
This is one of the best clarinet/flute concertos (concerti) recorded with Pleyel’s compositions. Pleyel demanded “virtuosic brilliance” and so the performers must be at the top of their game to play his works. Paul Meyer is known for a wide repertory and an interest in modern works for clarinet. He began studying clarinet as a child and made his solo debut with the Symphony Orchestra of the Rhine at the age of 13.
Each of the five members of wind ‘supergroup’ Les Vent Français, partnered by pianist Eric le Sage, plays a sonata written by Paul Hindemith in the dramatic years between 1936 and 1943 – compact, lucid and engaging works for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and alto horn. “These Hindemith sonatas are a great asset to the wind repertory,” says oboist François Leleux. “Hindemith took a very particular approach to each instrument, with a wonderful sense for its individual sound.”
This seven-disc box set from Alpha presents Robert Schumann’s complete chamber music with piano, played by a highly respected interpreter of Schumann's works, Eric Le Sage. The pianist is joined by outstanding musicians Paul Meyer, Francois Salque, Franck Braley, Antoine Tamesit, and others, who enable the listener to fully appreciate these masterful works written by genius of German Romanticism.