After the internationally successful solo debut of Jan Börner‘s disc “absorta est …”, this album connects to Börner‘s first work in many respects. We find ourselves in the German-speaking repertoire of the predominantly late 17 th century, however, this time with secular instead of sacred music.
The baroque ensemble Artemandoline and the renowned soprano Nuria Rial are set to release their new album Venice’s Fragrance on June 12th, on the German label Sony, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi and on the French label Sony France.
The last decade or so has seen the blossoming of a new generation of vocal talents from Spain, many of whom have been expressing their art through early music. A leading figure in this artistic array has been the soprano Nuria Rial, a singer blessed with an unaffected declamatory style, sweet and yet intimate in its emotional charm. In recent years the career of Rial has seen her tackle with success music by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, as well as Pergolesi and much Italian seicento repertoire. This newly-prepared Glossa album turns the clock back to collect together recordings made by the fresh voice of the Catalonian soprano in the years immediately following her studies at the Musik-Akademie in Basel.
Haendel n’a que 21 ans lorsqu’il quitte l’Allemagne pour l’Italie. C’est pour répondre à l’invitation du prince Jean Gaston de Medicis qu’il arrive à Rome en 1706 possédant déjà une culture musicale influencée par les courants italiens. Ces années en Italie seront des années de pur bonheur, il y fera la connaissance de Corelli et des Scarlatti, n’hésitant pas à se mesurer à Domenico dans une joute musicale dont il triomphera.
This 2nd album focuses on the iconic Bologna musician musician and adds a great Soprano singer Nulia from Catalonia by illuminating the musical music as well as the voice work of the time. The 3 song voice works have an image of "air" and figuration repeatedly. In other words, the anxiety of a lover who struggle to find peace of mind as if it is moving in the air (Aria Colona), or the story of angels coming from heaven to save people (Perti's Kantha "Vieni pur con i tuoi vezzi") or Aura breathing in the sacred place (Pololo motto Aurae sacra e amati ardores) These Soprano self-chanting works are alongside the collaboration of Jusppe Trelli, born in Venice since 1684, lives in Boronia and has career as composer.
This 2nd album focuses on the iconic Bologna musician musician and adds a great Soprano singer Nulia from Catalonia by illuminating the musical music as well as the voice work of the time. The 3 song voice works have an image of "air" and figuration repeatedly. In other words, the anxiety of a lover who struggle to find peace of mind as if it is moving in the air (Aria Colona), or the story of angels coming from heaven to save people (Perti's Kantha "Vieni pur con i tuoi vezzi") or Aura breathing in the sacred place (Pololo motto Aurae sacra e amati ardores) These Soprano self-chanting works are alongside the collaboration of Jusppe Trelli, born in Venice since 1684, lives in Boronia and has career as composer.
Este fantástico disco pensado especialmente para los amantes del Barroco, muestra la realidad de la música teatral española al despuntar el siglo XVIII. Con un poderío instrumental impresionante, unos arreglos hermosos y mucho talento, el disco propuesto por el director Fahmi Alqhai al frente de su Accademia del Piacere deja claro cómo el estilo italiano arraiga en España de mano de la corte borbónica fundiéndose con los ritmos y armonías locales que tanto influyeron en Sebastián Durón, uno de los nombres fundamentales de la renovación de la música española del momento.
The first disc from El Concierto Español, the orchestra founded by the violinist Emilio Moreno (who is both a founding member of Frans Brüggen’s Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century and a great champion of Spanish music) is dedicated to one of the most important composers of the 18th century in Spain, Francisco Corselli. Of Italian origin, Corselli spent a considerable part of his career working for the Spanish court, to which he brought the opera seria which was enjoying so much success elsewhere in Europe at the time.
Nuria Rials Aufnahmen für dhm werden in aller Welt hochgelobt. Ihr Album »Muera Cupido« mit dem Ensemble Accademia del Piacere wurde gerade für den Opus Klassik nominiert. Für ihr neues Album hat die Sopranistin zusammen mit dem spanischen Tenor Juan Sancho Arien und Duetten aus G. F. Händels Opern, Oratorien und Kantaten ausgewählt, die die menschliche und göttliche Liebe besingen. Die begleitende Capella Cracoviensis rundet unter der Leitung von Jan Tomasz Adamus das Album mit Tanzsätzen und Ouvertüren ab. In der Barockoper war es üblich, dass die Duette von Sopranistinnen und Kastraten gesungen wurden.