Pendant près d'un siècle, la forteresse moscovite a été le centre et le symbole d'un empire communiste fondé par Lénine, conforté par Staline, géré par deux successeurs, mis à bas par Gorbatchev et restauré, l'idéologie en moins, par Poutine. L'historien raconte les complots, les mystères et les crimes ayant eu lieu dans ces murs : les affaires Raspoutine, Nicolas II, Trotski, Farewell, etc. …
Sony Music releases 1917 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) with music by GRAMMY®, EMMY® and BAFTA® Award-winning composer THOMAS NEWMAN. Most recently nominated for “Best Original Score” by the Golden Globe Awards, the album features music from Oscar®-winning filmmaker Sam Mendes’ visceral new epic which will be released by Universal Pictures and Amblin Partners beginning Wednesday, December 25. The score is the latest in a long series of collaborations between Thomas Newman and director Sam Mendes. The two artists previously worked together on titles including Skyfall, Spectre, Road to Perdition, Jarhead, American Beauty and more.
This French CD has 24 titles by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band, partly duplicating some other sets (including the Bluebird release) but also includes a few real rarities. Among the latter are versions of "Darktown Strutters Ball" and "Indiana" that rank as the very first jazz records ever made; the liner notes claim that these are from a slightly later remake session (May 31, 1917) but logic and the esteemed discographer Brian Rust place them at January 30. Also quite rare are the four titles ("Some of These Days," "Toddlin' Blues," "Tiger Rag" and "Barnyard Blues") from the ODJB's final recording sessions in 1922-23 before their breakup and the group's 1917 Aeolian recordings which are joined by highlights from their better-known output for Victor. Fascinating early music by easily the best group on records during 1917-21.