Able Software 3D-Doctor 4.0 | 10.2MB 3D-DOCTOR is an advanced 3D modeling, image processing and measurement software for MRI, CT, PET, microscopy, scientific, and industrial imaging applications.
3D-DOCTOR supports both grayscale and color images stored in DICOM, TIFF, Interfile, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PGM, MRC, RAW or other image file formats. 3D-DOCTOR creates 3D surface models and volume rendering from 2D cross-section images in real time on your PC.
You can export the polygonal mesh models to STL (ASCII and Binary), DXF, IGES, 3DS, OBJ, VRML, PLY, XYZ and other formats for surgical planning, simulation, quantitative analysis, finite element analysis (FEA) and rapid prototyping applications. You can calculate 3D volume and make other 3D measurements for quantitative analysis. 3D-DOCTOR's vector-based tools support easy image data handling, measurement, and analysis.