Une étude sur les caractéristiques de la création, de la réception et de la diffusion de l'art contemporain, qui renforcent sa place à part au sein des arts. …
There seems something soberingly final about the title of Deutsche Grammophon's collection, which brings together recordings of all the music Pierre Boulez acknowledges, from the 12 Notations for piano of 1946 to Dérive 2, the churning, turbulent ensemble piece that reached its latest, 44-minute form in 2006. Boulez is now 88; his eyesight is known to be failing, and new works such as the Waiting for Godot opera planned for La Scala may never be fulfilled. Similarly, the scores long marked "work in progress" in his catalogue may for ever remain just that. As Claude Samuel says in his wonderfully perceptive and informative notes to the set, "more than anyone else's, Pierre Boulez's oeuvre has not known completion and never will". What's on these 13 discs, then, is likely to be the body of work on which Boulez's place in the history of 20th-century music will be assessed.