TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music television series in the Dutch language area. The Netherlands broadcaster AVRO aired the programme weekly, from September 22, 1970, to June 27, 1988…
The most comprehensive edition devoted to Gioacchino Rossini marking his 150th anniversary. Born in 1792, Rossini was the most popular opera composer of his time. Although he retired from the Opera scene in 1829, he continued to compose in other genres, including sacred music, piano and chamber works. He did gather his late works under the ironic title Péchés de vieillesse (Sins of Old Age), which veils a true collection of masterworks.
Zwei Monate vor seiner Hochzeit mit Clara Wieck komponierte Robert Schumann den Liederzyklus Frauenliebe- und -Leben, basierend auf Gedichten von Adelbert von Chamisso. Womöglich sah er sich durch die Ereignisse in seinem Leben dazu inspiriert. Die Lieder beschreiben den "Liebes-Lebenslauf" einer Frau aus ihrem eigenen Blickwinkel, von einer allerersten Begegnung als Jugendliche über die Heirat und Ehe zum Tod ihres Geliebten bis hin zum Überdauern der Liebe über den Tod hinaus. Diese Reihe vermittelt einen Blick ins Innere des Komponisten und damit oft gemischte Gefühle: Freude, die von Sorgen durchmischt wird, selbst über der Ausgelassenheit der Hochzeit hängt etwas Tragisches. Marie-Nicole Lemieux wird mit ihrer Ausdrucksstärke diesem Gefühlsspektrum voll und ganz gerecht.
Sk8er Boi is a New Wave-style rock'n'roll song composed by Avril Lavigne and The Matrix (Scott Spock, Lauren Christy, and Graham Edwards). Sk8er Boi is distinguished by the clever spelling of the title, by the conservative use of well-placed sound effects, by transitions in mood and rhythm (transitions that are rarely found in rock'n'roll, but more common on classical music), and by the coherent storyline told by the lyrics…
Haydn’s stupendous, joyous and uplifting oratorio Die Schöpfung (The Creation) is thrillingly brought to life in this recording with Andrés Orozco-Estrada conducting the Houston Symphony, with the Houston Symphony Chorus and the acclaimed operatic soloists Nicole Heaston, Toby Spence and Peter Rose. With its startling dramatic gestures, bold orchestral colours and sublimely beautiful word painting, Haydn’s astonishing depiction of the Genesis creation story remains his supreme masterpiece and one of the best-loved works in the entire choral repertoire. In a vivid series of tableaux, from the creation of light to Adam and Eve’s love duet, Haydn brings to life the birds, beasts and angels which all rejoice in soaring, life-affirming music. Andres Orozco-Estrada writes: “What I love most about this piece is the tone painting and the richly colored way the music describes nature and animals. We tried to give the listener the possibility to imagine the musical illustrations Haydn composed in the “Creation,” which distinguish this outstanding work of art from others.”