Ready for an adventure running parallel to their lives in common units, the quartet boarded a starship to set off on an astral expedition. The mission began perfectly, according to plan. From the very first measures, the travellers were released from the Earth's gravity. Very quickly, their home planet appeared tiny and distant, before disappearing completely. Comets and novae lit the way through the fathomless depths of interstellar space. Their preliminary, in-depth studies of seventies jazz-funk were a great source of inspiration. Very early on, they knew that this sonic esthetic would allow them to travel even farther, navigating only with organic instruments and no digital backing or enhancements.
A contemporary of Mozart, Johann Christoph Vogel also died at an early age. Forward looking in approach, this composer of a tormented disposition, sought to extend the operatic revolution undertaken by Gluck in the 1770s. First performed in 1786 at the Opéra de Paris, 'La Toison d’or' reveals that search for an expressive art which demanded an all-embracing involvement from the performers and supplied the music with a sometimes unbearable intensity for audiences of the time.
Master Series is the title of a line of greatest hits albums, released in European countries primarily by PolyGram International, as well as A&M Records, Deram Records, FFRR Records, Mercury Records, and Polydor Records. In addition, some albums were reissued by Universal Music Group under the Universal Masters Collection and Millennium Edition titles.
Comment ne pas se lasser, au fil de quatre Suites, de tant de faste et de danses ? En changeant de cavalier. Un Indispensable en forme de carnet de bal. Et une Aria tombée du ciel pour souffler.
Le point de départ, c'est une commande de l'Opéra de Rouen Normandie : une œuvre pour un orchestre symphonique et le big band Tous Dehors, avec pour projet d'illustrer les différentes étapes de la vie, de la conception jusqu'à l'ultime souffle. Passé le stade de la création, il n'a pas été possible de rejouer la partition sur scène ni de faire un enregistrement avec l'effectif originel (une cinquantaine de musiciens). Laurent Dehors s'est donc remis à la tâche pour une version en effectif réduit : neuf musiciens, plus les deux solistes invités (Marc Ducret et Matthew Bourne) qui dialoguent avec l'orchestre. Le résultat est plus que convaincant de vitalité, de vivacité et de pertinence.
This is the debut full-length release by The Seasons - a collaborative project by an international assemblage of accomplished musicians in the realm of jazz, electronic, and indie-rock. Members include Trenton label-head Sam Rouanet (aka Reynold), DJ/producer/Duplex 100 member Phil Stumpf, double bassist James Sindatry, Sam Rouanet's father Jacques Rouanet, a well-known French jazz piano player who toured the world several times with Argentinean singer/songwriter Alberto Cortez, and finally, cornet player Rob Mazurek, the mind behind Chicago Underground and The Exploding Star Orchestra, who has played with Sam Prekop, Isotope 217, Tortoise, Pan American and Stereolab…