L'heure est (déjà) au sixième album pour Debout Sur Le Zinc. Baptisé La Fuite en Avant et produit par Jean-Louis Piérot, celui-ci se démarque du rock alternatif francophone comme de la variété et de la chanson hexagonale. La Fuite en Avant, ce sont douze airs où les femmes sont omniprésentes, soit à travers le chant, dans lequel perce une fragilité, et une mélancolie récurrentes qui font considérer cela, ou plus assurément dans les histoires du quotidien qui tue à petit feu l'homme qui se demande qui il est et comment il en est arrivé là.
During the 70's, Catherine Ribeiro & Alpes recorded a string of stunning and successful albums, gathering a few plaudits and yearly awards from specialized press, played throughout Europe and even in Latin America and Northern Africa and are now seen as an iconic group of the hippy 70's in France. Their music is rather experimental and hard to define and involves folk, progressive and improvisation. Their use of seldom-seen percuphone and cosmophone (both alpine instruments), their lengthy Poème Non-Epique pieces, Ribeiro's anarchist avant-garde and ecologist lyrics and doomed atmosphere (there is some VdGG feel in their music) made this group a very distinct and very original group that has their own sound…
LES HURLEMENTS D'LEO Un album de très grande classe pour un retour tonitruant Une tournée hallucinante, les Hurlements d'Léo seront sans conteste le groupe scène de l'année 2011 Bordel de Luxe , c'est la réponse du groupe au découragement ambiant, la même volonté de prendre le monde à bras le corps, de taper du poing sur la table en rappelant des choses essentielles.
This must be one of the most important historical documents ever to appear from previously unavailable archives. Much as we admire and praise Davis’s Berlioz (whose latest Trojans we reviewed last month)‚ Beecham has to be at least his peer on this and much other evidence. His arresting‚ inspiriting and brilliantly crafted performance here is a thing to marvel at in its understanding of the true Berlioz spirit. He persuades his newly formed RPO and the BBC Theatre Chorus of the day into giving quite thrilling accounts of their music that not even indifferent sound can mar. Beecham was to have returned‚ at Covent Garden‚ to the grand masterpiece in 1960‚ but that was not to be: a severe stroke prevented what would surely have been his crowning service to Berlioz right at the end of his distinguished career.
The epic tale of the fall of Troy haunted Berlioz from childhood and inspired some of his most passionately dramatic, richly colorful music. This is Colin Davis's second recording of Les Troyens, following his (out-of-print) 1969 version. Magnificent though it was, some reckoned that reading lacked something in zip. Here, however, such reservations could never apply. Recorded across several lavishly praised concert performances in London in December 2000, this Troyens has an extraordinary electricity and rhythmic drive.