Anna Marie Genovese, a gifted singer from Syracuse, New York, born in 1929, began enchanting audiences from a young age. Known professionally as "Anna Marie," she released her only LP, "Interludes with Anna Marie," on the Syracuse-based Vesta label in January 1955. Nat Hentoff praised the album in Down Beat, awarding it four stars. Despite being paralyzed by polio since age one, Anna Marie's determination and talent shone brightly.
Anna Vinnitskaya celebrates dance, or rather the dances of composers from very different periods and styles: Ravel, Shostakovich and Widmann. 'In all these works, you can feel in some way transported to the world of childhood. Because I believe the childhoods of each of these three composers are reflected there', says the pianist. In his Valses nobles et sentimentales, Ravel paid tribute to Schubert. A few years later, he transcribed for solo piano his ballet score La Valse, in which 'billowing clouds part from time to time, allowing us to glimpse waltzing couples'.
Anna Vinnitskaya celebrates dance, or rather the dances of composers from very different periods and styles: Ravel, Shostakovich and Widmann. 'In all these works, you can feel in some way transported to the world of childhood. Because I believe the childhoods of each of these three composers are reflected there', says the pianist. In his Valses nobles et sentimentales, Ravel paid tribute to Schubert. A few years later, he transcribed for solo piano his ballet score La Valse, in which 'billowing clouds part from time to time, allowing us to glimpse waltzing couples'.
Anna Vinnitskaya celebrates dance, or rather the dances of composers from very different periods and styles: Ravel, Shostakovich and Widmann. 'In all these works, you can feel in some way transported to the world of childhood. Because I believe the childhoods of each of these three composers are reflected there', says the pianist. In his Valses nobles et sentimentales, Ravel paid tribute to Schubert. A few years later, he transcribed for solo piano his ballet score La Valse, in which 'billowing clouds part from time to time, allowing us to glimpse waltzing couples'.