In 1979, Ola Håkansson, a former vocalist of Ola & the Janglers and then a publishing manager at Sonet Records, teamed up with Tim Norell and Ulf Wahlberg to write a few songs that they submitted to the Melodifestivalen, a popular Swedish song contest. They did not win but decided to continue working together and changed their band's name from Ola+3 to Secret Service. Besides Ola Håkansson (vocals), Tim Norell and Ulf Wahlberg (keyboards), the original lineup included Tony Lindberg (guitars), Leif Paulsen (bass) and Leif Johansson (drums).
It should come as no surprise that the music you listen to as a teenager echoes through your neurological pathways more than any other. Teenage music just means so much - it helps you figure out who you are and who you want to become. You listen to the same things over and over while feeling serious feelings.
ITALOCONNECTION’s first album proper with their most recent long player ‘Midnight Confessions Vol1’ showcasing a collection of danceable widescreen European electronic pop at its best. But for the new ITALOCONNECTION album comes a twist; ‘Nordisko’ pays tribute to the songwriting and style of the Nordic region via a collection of cover versions. The palette ranges from overtly pop focussed groups such as SECRET SERVICE, FAKE and ARMY OF LOVERS to modern day artists such as Jay-Jay Johanson and Jaakko Eino Kalevi.