Benedetto Marcello

Andrea Bacchetti - Benedetto Marcello: Piano Sonatas (2011)  Music

Posted by Designol at Feb. 7, 2025
Andrea Bacchetti - Benedetto Marcello: Piano Sonatas (2011)

Andrea Bacchetti - Benedetto Marcello: Piano Sonatas (2011)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue&Log) ~ 189 Mb | Mp3 (CBR320) ~ 135 Mb | Scans included
Genre: Classical | Label: Sony/RCA Red Seal | # 88697814662 | Time: 00:55:26

Andrea Bacchetti follows his album of sonatas by Baldassarre Galuppi with another little-performed 18th century Venetian, Benedetto Marcello, whose work has a surprisingly modern character. The "Sonata III", for instance, opens with a sequence in which the right hand plays the same note 48 times in rapid succession, while the left cycles quadruplets around it – the kind of gambit you'd expect from a Cage or Feldman, but hardly from a contemporary of Vivaldi. Marcello is said to have once fallen into a grave that opened beneath him, a trauma perhaps responsible for the austere, near-spiritual logic of pieces such as the "Sonata V", where the absence of frills prefigures the enigmatic miniatures of Erik Satie.
Laura Farabollini, Chiara Minali - Benedetto Marcello: Complete Sonatas for Organ and Harpsichord (2018)

Laura Farabollini, Chiara Minali - Benedetto Marcello: Complete Sonatas for Organ and Harpsichord (2018)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 1.06 Gb | Total time: 180:07 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Brilliant Classics | 95277 | Recorded: 2017, 2018

The epitome of a Renaissance man, Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) won success and acclaim as a poet, writer, musician, lawyer, judge, administrator and philologist. Though his keyboard sonatas have appeared on several recorded collections of the Italian Baroque, they have rarely been presented in a comprehensive manner. In doing so, this album celebrates the personal even idiosyncratic style of a composer whose technical accomplishment facilitates rather than stifling his creative voice. The 12 Sonatas were later published as Op.3. They date from early in Marcellos career, and are mostly cast in three and four brief movements, though the first and last of them, in D minor and C minor respectively, feature more extended forms.
Ensemble Benedetto Marcello - Concerti: Dall'Abaco, Bonporti, Albinoni, Benedetto Marcello, Vivaldi, Pergolesi (1987)

Ensemble Benedetto Marcello - Concerti: Dall'Abaco, Bonporti, Albinoni, Benedetto Marcello, Vivaldi, Pergolesi (1987)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 361 Mb | Total time: 71:21 | Scans included
Classical | Label: EMI-Bovema Holland | GL 50006 | Recorded: 1986

Costituita nel 1984, l'Orchestra da Camera "Benedetto Marcello'' ha tenuto numerosi concerti in Italia a all'Estero con riconoscimenti lusinghieri da parte della critica. Interessata al recupero delta musica strumentale italiana del XVIII secolo, soprattutto inedita, ha revisionato ed inciso per I'etichetta Bongiovanni i Concerti per flauto, archi e cembalo di G.B. Sammartini, L. Leo, N. Porpora, G. Sammartini, G.B. Martini, I'Intermezzo "Traccollo" di G.B. Pergolesi e i concerti per pianoforte a orchestra di Dussek; per I'etichetta Mondo Musica.
Silvano Frontalini, Kaunas Chamber Orchestra - Benedetto Marcello: 12 Concerti Grossi Op. 1 (2000)

Silvano Frontalini, Kaunas Chamber Orchestra - Benedetto Marcello: 12 Concerti Grossi Op. 1 (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 530 Mb | Total time: 54:49+55:12 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Bongiovanni | # GB 5550/51-2 | Recorded: 1997

Wherever the Kaunas Chamber Orchestra comes from, they are excellent in the Baroque repertory – possessing a fine sense of nobilmente mixed with a lively sense of rhythm. The Marcello Concert Grossi may not be quite as fine as Corelli's or Handel's opp. 6, but it is certainly the equal of Torelli's op. 8, Avison's Scarlatti-inspired or Geminiani's opp. 2-5.
Roberto Zarpellon, Ensemble Lorenzo Da Ponte - Benedetto Marcello: Il pianto e il riso delle quattro stagioni (2015)

Roberto Zarpellon, Ensemble Lorenzo Da Ponte - Benedetto Marcello: Il pianto e il riso delle quattro stagioni (2015)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 692 Mb | Total time: 122:30 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Fra Bernardo | FB1503177 | Recorded: 2013

Il pianto e il riso delle quattro stagioni dell'anno per la morte, esultazione e coronazione di Maria Assunta in Cielo, written in 1731, is the second last of the four oratorios by Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739). As a member of the Venetian aristocracy he didn‘t have to consider the musical conventions as much as his professional contemporaries. Thanks to his unconventional style he is one of the most interesting Italian baroque composers.
Fabrizzio Ghiglione - Benedetto Marcello: Pianto e il Riso delle Quattro Stagioni dell'Anno (1994)

Fabrizzio Ghiglione, Orchestra dell' Associazione Culturale Don Milani, Schola Cantorum G.B. Trofello - Benedetto Marcello: Pianto e il Riso delle Quattro Stagioni dell'Anno (1994)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 620 Mb | Total time: 53:27+50:12 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Bongiovanni | GB 2159/60-2 | Recorded: 1992

Benedetto Marcello (1686–1739), remembered best today for some attractive instrumental music, including some virtuosic works for oboe, and his satire of the opera house, Il teatro alla moda, also wrote a small group of oratorios, including a pair of allegorical pieces for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin at Macerata. One of these was Il pianto e il riso delle quattro stagioni from 1733. It has been described as a "highly poetic, generally mellow, faintly comic" work, in which Marcello employed "the whole arsenal of techniques he had mastered over a quarter-century"; in fact, not only is there amazing attention to detail in the string articulation, but it also provides an important record of a composer's expectations of his string orchestra. Few oratorios from this locale and period are available in modern editions, and this example has all the formal characteristics associated with the genre of oratorio in the first half of the eighteenth century.
Filippo Maria Bressan, Academia de li Musici - Benedetto Marcello: Arianna (2000)

Filippo Maria Bressan, Academia de li Musici - Benedetto Marcello: Arianna (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 855 Mb | Total time: 61:42+67:13+55:00 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Chandos | # CHAN 0656(3) | Recorded: 1999

Any recording of an opera by Benedetto Marcello will, for many, bring to mind his literary satire, IL TEATRO ALLA MODA, subtitled "a safe and easy method of properly composing and producing Italian operas according to modern practice." Within its pages, no one involved in the creation of opera-librettist, composer, singers, impresario-is spared. In one passage, the composer is admonished to "oblige the impresario to provide a great number of violins, oboes, horns, etc., preferring to let him economize on double basses, for these should not be used except in the preliminary tuning."
Christoph Hammer, Neue Hofkapelle München - Benedetto Marcello: Joaz (2008)

Christoph Hammer, Neue Hofkapelle München - Benedetto Marcello: Joaz (2008)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 795 Mb | Total time: 141:00 | Scans included
Classical | Label: ORF | # SACD3035 | Recorded: 2008

Franz Szabo schrieb über diese Aufführung: »… Was Christoph Hammer und seine ›Neue Hofkapelle München‹ am Abend des Pfingstsonntags […] im Kolomanisaal darbrachten, kann man schlichtwegs nur als sensationell bezeichnen. Benedotto Marcellos Oratorium ›Joaz‹ bescherte zweieinhalb Stunden hochdramatischer, intelligenter, spannender und differenzierter Barockmusik, deren Schönheit alle Anwesenden restlos in ihren Bann schlug. […] Der österreichische Tenor Daniel Johannsen überzeugte als stimmprächtiger und wortdeutlicher böser Berater mit aufflackernd schlechtem Gewissen. […] Kaum zu glauben und ein weiterer Beweis für die höchste Qualität dieses Ensembles, daß die Künstler nur wenige Tage an der Erprobung des Stückes arbeiten konnten. […] Beruhigend zu wissen, dass dieses Oratorium zum oftmaligen Nachhören vom ORF aufgenommen wurde.«
Filippo Maria Bressan, Academia de li Musici, Athestis Chorus - Benedetto Marcello: Requiem in the Venetian Manner (1999)

Filippo Maria Bressan, Academia de li Musici, Athestis Chorus - Benedetto Marcello: Requiem in the Venetian Manner (1999)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 294 Mb | Total time: 63:15 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Chandos | # CHAN 0637 | Recorded: 1998

Modern day recognition of the music of Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) has been totally eclipsed by the music of Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). If one looks back at Marcello's popularity in the first half of the 18th century in Venetian Music, you will find that he was considered to be one of the musical glories of Italy on a par with Palestrina and Pergolesi, and was referred to as the 'Noble Venetian'. He was admired for his skillful counterpoint, his masterly attention to the words of the text he set and the noble simplicity of his melodies. All of these attributes are present in this lovely and entertaining Requiem.
Kai Wessel, David Blunden - Benedetto Marcello: Cassandra (2010)

Kai Wessel, David Blunden - Benedetto Marcello: Cassandra; Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto c-moll after B. Marcello, BWV 981 (2010)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 340 Mb | Total time: 66:44 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Aeon | AECD 1087 | Recorded: 2009

The Venetian poet Antonio Conti received from Marcello the commission for a dramatic text that allows a quick succession of events, rather than the usual succession of recitative and arias.
Cassandra plunges us into Homer’s Trojan War, with its namesake prophetess who has the gift of predicting the future, but whom no one believes. The many [25] extant copies of this cantata, here given its world première recording, testify to the impact it had in its own time.