The iconic duo's acclaimed production, first presented at the Royal Opera House in 2016 over four sold-out shows, was reprised at the venue for a further four nights in July 2018 as part of their 'Super' tour.
The Beethoven cycle of the 21st century! Christian Thielemanns and Wiener Philharmonikers recording of BEETHOVEN 9 had been their first recording in HD of all nine Beethoven symphonies, accompanied by nine hour-long documentaries, one on each symphony, featuring Thielemann and Prof. Joachim Kaiser. From insights into Beethovens musical thinking to interpretational comparisons, including excerpts from performances by Karajan, Böhm, Bernstein, Järvi etc., to historical perspectives no aspect of Beethovens symphonic oeuvre will remain untreated! Thielemanns recordings of the Beethoven symphonies stand head and shoulders above the countless and mostly undistinguishable versions on offer. (Die Presse) The Vienna Philharmonic literally grew beyond itself that evening in the Konzerthaus. (Neue Züricher Zeitung) Missa Solemnis: Thielemann conjured up the gigantic cosmos of the Missa with such lightness and grace that its mystery seemed to reveal itself.
The Beethoven cycle of the 21st century! Christian Thielemanns and Wiener Philharmonikers recording of BEETHOVEN 9 had been their first recording in HD of all nine Beethoven symphonies, accompanied by nine hour-long documentaries, one on each symphony, featuring Thielemann and Prof. Joachim Kaiser. From insights into Beethovens musical thinking to interpretational comparisons, including excerpts from performances by Karajan, Böhm, Bernstein, Järvi etc., to historical perspectives no aspect of Beethovens symphonic oeuvre will remain untreated! Thielemanns recordings of the Beethoven symphonies stand head and shoulders above the countless and mostly undistinguishable versions on offer. (Die Presse) The Vienna Philharmonic literally grew beyond itself that evening in the Konzerthaus. (Neue Züricher Zeitung) Missa Solemnis: Thielemann conjured up the gigantic cosmos of the Missa with such lightness and grace that its mystery seemed to reveal itself.
The Beethoven cycle of the 21st century! Christian Thielemanns and Wiener Philharmonikers recording of BEETHOVEN 9 had been their first recording in HD of all nine Beethoven symphonies, accompanied by nine hour-long documentaries, one on each symphony, featuring Thielemann and Prof. Joachim Kaiser. From insights into Beethovens musical thinking to interpretational comparisons, including excerpts from performances by Karajan, Böhm, Bernstein, Järvi etc., to historical perspectives no aspect of Beethovens symphonic oeuvre will remain untreated! Thielemanns recordings of the Beethoven symphonies stand head and shoulders above the countless and mostly undistinguishable versions on offer. (Die Presse) The Vienna Philharmonic literally grew beyond itself that evening in the Konzerthaus. (Neue Züricher Zeitung) Missa Solemnis: Thielemann conjured up the gigantic cosmos of the Missa with such lightness and grace that its mystery seemed to reveal itself.
Italian orchestral-death metallers FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE release their fifth studio album, VELENO, on MAY 24TH via NUCLEAR BLAST RECORDS. The CD digipak edition includes the Blu-Ray "An Evening In Perugia" featuring a special performance filmed on September 22nd, 2018 at Afterlife Club in the band's hometown of Perugia, Italy with a classical string quintet.