Este fantástico disco pensado especialmente para los amantes del Barroco, muestra la realidad de la música teatral española al despuntar el siglo XVIII. Con un poderío instrumental impresionante, unos arreglos hermosos y mucho talento, el disco propuesto por el director Fahmi Alqhai al frente de su Accademia del Piacere deja claro cómo el estilo italiano arraiga en España de mano de la corte borbónica fundiéndose con los ritmos y armonías locales que tanto influyeron en Sebastián Durón, uno de los nombres fundamentales de la renovación de la música española del momento.
Brilliant's breezy survey of Rossini's one-act operas is assembled from five different recordings originally released on the Claves label in the early '90s. All were well received in their original form, and since all five were conducted by the veteran Marcello Viotti in similar-enough-for-non-audiophile acoustics, they make a convincing box set, and an attractive buy for those looking for a lighthearted Rossini infusion. The packaging is minimal, and the included libretti are in Italian only, so if you're counting on a translation you'll have to find it somewhere else. Viotti's work is exemplary and idiomatic throughout, always putting Rossini's most tuneful and lighthearted foot forward, while never forgetting that every good comedy has real moments of pathos. The overtures all seem a bit under tempo, and could use an extra shot of fun, but they are still upbeat enough to elicit a smile.