Chandelier are a German Neo-Prog band and "Pure" is their debut from 1990. ''Pure'' presents the very familiar sound of accesible neo progressive rock with melodic keyboards around,strong lyrical content and generally an emotional atmosphere. Comparisons and echoes of the album brings bands like Jadis, Twelfth Night and even IQ in mind. This is a release with much a song-based orientation with Martin Eden sounding like a German imitator of Peter Nicholls of IQ or even FISH, of course with a slight accent. The keyboard work in here is carefully balanced, far from any trace of virtuosity, while guitars are also very distinctive, creating fine melodies and presenting some rocking grooves from time to time…
Biscuits à la cannelle, brioches moelleuses, desserts chocolatés et plats traditionnels parfumés… 25 recettes simples et gourmandes à mitonner en famille pour préparer ensemble de délicieux repas de fête. Convivial et richement illustré, ce livre regorge d'anecdotes et d'informations pour découvrir toutes les richesses de la culture et de la foi chrétiennes en cuisinant !