100 faits numérotés, accompagnés de magnifiques illustrations et de splendides photographies, plongeront les enfants dans une aventure irrésistible de bout en bout
Racontée avec humour et des dessins amusants.
Les jeunes esprits aprécieront aussi les quiz et activités. …
Canadian identity was once truly a mosaic—of disparate regions and small communities widely dispersed over a vast and inhospitable landscape. Classic Canadian Songs from Smithsonian Folkways showcases the rich musical traditions from generations of European settlers and contrasts with that of Aboriginal peoples fiercely determined to preserve their ways of life in the wake of colonialism and its injustices. 30 classic tracks, over an hour of music.
They've sold around half a million albums in Canada, mostly during their '90s heyday, but Big Sugar have never quite been given the credit they deserve for skilfully integrating reggae and dub elements into their rock-based sound. On Yard Style, they dial down the volume to concentrate on acoustic yet percussion-heavy reggae, to convincing effect…