Complex Analysis

Complex Analysis and Geometry  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Dec. 24, 2022
Complex Analysis and Geometry

Complex Analysis and Geometry by Vincenzo Ancona, Alessandro Silva
English | PDF | 1993 | 418 Pages | ISBN : 0306441799 | 27.8 MB

When we studied complex variables in the late 1960s, modem geometry on the complex fie1d and complex function theory were identified in teaching and research as several complex variables. A beginner in the field at that time would have the experience of jumping from the sheaf-theoretical methods employed in the theory of analytic spaces to the P.D.E. methods of the ä- problem, with the c1ear understanding that the phenomena lying behind such different methods and problems were the same.

Complex Analysis  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Oct. 5, 2023
Complex Analysis

Complex Analysis by Taras Mel'nyk
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 252 Pages | ISBN : 3031396146 | 33 MB

Today, the theory of complex-valued functions finds widespread applications in various areas of mathematical research, as well as in electrical and mechanical engineering, aeronautics, and other disciplines. Complex analysis has become a basic course in mathematics, physics, and select engineering departments.
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis: Engineering, Science, and Mathematics, 3rd Edition

Edward Saff, "Fundamentals of Complex Analysis: Engineering, Science, and Mathematics, 3rd Edition"
English | 2013 | ISBN: 1292023759 | 520 pages | True PDF | 4.39 MB

Modern Real and Complex Analysis  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Oct. 17, 2022
Modern Real and Complex Analysis

Modern Real and Complex Analysis by Bernard R. Gelbaum
English | PDF | 1995 | 496 Pages | ISBN : 0471107158 | 20 MB

Thorough, well-written, and encyclopedic in its coverage, this text offers a lucid presentation of all the topics essential to graduate study in analysis. While maintaining the strictest standards of rigor, Professor Gelbaum's approach is designed to appeal to intuition whenever possible. Modern Real and Complex Analysis provides up-to-date treatment of such subjects as the Daniell integration, differentiation, functional analysis and Banach algebras, conformal mapping and Bergman's kernels, defective functions, Riemann surfaces and uniformization, and the role of convexity in analysis. The text supplies an abundance of exercises and illustrative examples to reinforce learning, and extensive notes and remarks to help clarify important points.

Problems and Solutions for Complex Analysis  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Aug. 23, 2024
Problems and Solutions for Complex Analysis

Problems and Solutions for Complex Analysis by Rami Shakarchi
English | PDF | 1999 | 256 Pages | ISBN : 0387988319 | 27.6 MB

This book contains all the exercises and solutions of Serge Lang's Complex Analy­ sis. Chapters I through VITI of Lang's book contain the material of an introductory course at the undergraduate level and the reader will find exercises in all of the fol­ lowing topics: power series, Cauchy's theorem, Laurent series, singularities and meromorphic functions, the calculus of residues, conformal mappings and har­ monic functions. Chapters IX through XVI, which are suitable for a more advanced course at the graduate level, offer exercises in the following subjects: Schwarz re­ flection, analytic continuation, Jensen's formula, the Phragmen-LindelOf theorem, entire functions, Weierstrass products and meromorphic functions, the Gamma function and the Zeta function. This solutions manual offers a large number of worked out exercises of varying difficulty. I thank Serge Lang for teaching me complex analysis with so much enthusiasm and passion, and for giving me the opportunity to work on this answer book. Without his patience and help, this project would be far from complete. I thank my brother Karim for always being an infinite source of inspiration and wisdom. Finally, I want to thank Mark McKee for his help on some problems and Jennifer Baltzell for the many years of support, friendship and complicity. Rami Shakarchi Princeton, New Jersey 1999 Contents Preface vii I Complex Numbers and Functions 1 1. 1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 2 Polar Form . . . . . . . . . 3 1. 3 Complex Valued Functions . 8 1. 4 Limits and Compact Sets . . 9 1. 6 The Cauchy-Riemann Equations .

A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Feb. 25, 2021
A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics

Wolfgang Fischer, "A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics"
English | ISBN: 3834815764 | 2012 | 280 pages | PDF | 2 MB

Complex Analysis: A Functional Analysis Approach  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at Oct. 9, 2020
Complex Analysis: A Functional Analysis Approach

D.H. Luecking, "Complex Analysis: A Functional Analysis Approach "
English | ISBN: 0387909931 | 1984 | 176 pages | PDF | 17 MB
Differential Geometry and Complex Analysis: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Harry Ernest Rauch

Differential Geometry and Complex Analysis: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Harry Ernest Rauch by Isaac Chavel, Hershel M. Farkas
English | PDF | 1985 | 228 Pages | ISBN : 3642698301 | 12.7 MB

This volume is dedicated to the memory of Harry Ernest Rauch, who died suddenly on June 18, 1979. In organizing the volume we solicited: (i) articles summarizing Rauch's own work in differential geometry, complex analysis and theta functions (ii) articles which would give the reader an idea of the depth and breadth of Rauch's researches, interests, and influence, in the fields he investigated, and (iii) articles of high scientific quality which would be of general interest. In each of the areas to which Rauch made significant contribution - pinching theorems, teichmiiller theory, and theta functions as they apply to Riemann surfaces - there has been substantial progress.
Complex Analysis I: Entire and Meromorphic Functions Polyanalytic Functions and Their Generalizations

Complex Analysis I: Entire and Meromorphic Functions Polyanalytic Functions and Their Generalizations by A. A. Gonchar, V. P. Havin, N. K. Nikolski
English | PDF | 1997 | 268 Pages | ISBN : 3540547037 | 24.5 MB

The first part of the volume contains a comprehensive description of the theory of entire and meromorphic functions of one complex variable and its applications. It includes the fundamental notions, methods and results on the growth of entire functions and the distribution of their zeros, the Rolf Nevanlinna theory of distribution of values of meromorphic functions including the inverse problem, the theory of completely regular growth, the concept of limit sets for entire and subharmonic functions.

Complex Analysis with Applications to Number Theory  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at Nov. 13, 2020
Complex Analysis with Applications to Number Theory

Tarlok Nath Shorey, "Complex Analysis with Applications to Number Theory "
English | ISBN: 9811590966 | 2020 | 303 pages | PDF | 3 MB